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Kill the Furby!

Subject: 101 uses for a dead Furby
Date: Wed, 29 December 1999 04:03 PM EST
From: Vampyre Necator

My mother in law gave my son a baby Furby for Christmas. I don't know what evil I did to her to deserve this, but any suggestions for revenge will be taken under careful consideration. Does anyone know how to shut one of these things up? It doesn't shut up! I did manage to get it into deep sleep once but the cat woke it up (I'm considering letting the cat eat it) I know taking out the batteries is an option but my husband won't let me....grrrrrr. I had to hit reset once because the thing just went mental shrieking and clacking. Does anyone have a valium?

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Subject: Re: 101 uses for a dead Furby
Date: Wed, 29 December 1999 09:11 PM EST
From: W0W16

My uncle helped design furbies so I got one when they came out and I hated it. Dropping it on the floor sometimes helps to shut it up : )

Hi, My name is Danielle and I'll be your waitress this evening.

Oh and by the way, "Why is it dark?"
Subject: Re: 101 uses for a dead Furby
Date: Wed, 29 December 1999 04:28 PM EST
From: AnglsMstrs

Hmmm, if your mother-in-law drinks coffee, slip a few drops of Visine in it, and she will lose complete control of her bodily functions within five minutes, won't hurt them, but funny as %$^& to watch! Of course I wouldn't know anything about it's affects on a person...< evil sinister laughter >

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Subject: Re: 101 uses for a dead Furby
Date: Wed, 29 December 1999 05:45 PM
From: Vampyre Necator

>Hmmm, if your mother-in-law drinks coffee, slip a few drops of Visine in it,

Hmm I'm rather opposed to bodily harm. Besides I'd rather have her be slowly annoyed to death :-) Thanks for the tip about the dark so long as my son doesn't open the closet door I'm set!

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Subject: Re: 101 uses for a dead Furby
Date: Thu, 30 December 1999 09:16 AM EST
From: Vampyre Necator

Then my mother got a baby Furby for Christmas, and I have to tell you, the sight of a woman my mother's age talking baby talk to this electronic gizmo was rather disturbing.

Does she want mine? Then she could have twins. Look on the bright side, this is better than adopting you a baby brother :-) Or bugging you for grandchildren. I think I've decided to stuff my son's with cat nip and accidentally lock it in a room with the cats!

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