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1999 Nurses Ball Ramblings

Subject: ~Way OT- Nurses Ball Ramblings~
Date: Fri, 18 June 1999 06:26 PM EDT
From: PrincssNat

Yeah, I know, this has nothing to do with Buffy. Well, okay. General Hospital is an ABC soap, as was All My Children, which SMG was on. There. it's related. Anyway, I wait all year for this, and this is my alternative Oscars/Emmys/Golden Globes (for which I also Ramble.) So since I know there are a lot of GH fans here... If you have no idea what I'm talking about, just ignore me. So here I go.

Clothes. You know I'd do this.
-Lucy. Okay. Dress #1 was gorgeous, although that choker was all wrong. It was too big and hung over the top of the dress. Bad, bad, bad. Dress #2 was God awful. Ick! It was this big red ostrich-looking thing and that hairstyle belongs on a 5-year-old! But the yellow dress, #3, more than makes up for it.
-Tammy. Gorgeous color, great style. Very much the coolness.
-Hannah. She was right. Sonny does have great taste! That dress looks so cool. Even if I don't like the woman wearing it.
-Nikolas. I'm just gonna drool.
-Amy. She's always got the strangest dresses. This one's nice, good color, good style, but I don't like the decoration stuff on top. And do something with your hair, girl!
-Leticia and Reginald. The best dressed award goes to... The Quartermaine servants! I know, I know, how sick is that?
-Chloe. No one in the world instead of her could get away with that look. Yet she still looks good. God, she makes me sick. Then there was that line about throwing her look together? :;smack:: Shut up! =)
-Carly. Can I look like her?
-V. Great dress, but I don't like those flower things on the straps.
-Jax. ::drooling more::
-Alexis. I can't believe she wore that hairstyle with that dress. Bad move.
-Ned. The tie makes the outfit. And he just doesn't look right without Lois there. =( Bring back Rena!
-Eve. The dress is okay, but I didn't like the bright pink sequiny things on it. It made the dress a no-no.
-Katherine. The dress is cooler than she is. And again, the hair...
-Scott. Was he wearing a pink shirt?
-Felicia. Best dressed runner up. She's wearing this gorgeous blue Cinderella dress. Okay, forget Carly, I wanna look like Felicia.
-Emily. Amazing, she can wear that color and look good. And I NEED to know how to do my hair like that!
-Elizabeth. Love the color. Don't know about the style, though. I wish I could get away with it like she does.
-Karen. Um, she's wearing orange. Yes, orange. An orange ball gown. Did I mention she's a redhead?
-Bobbie. Hon, you're clashing. I beg of you to never wear pink again.
-Juan. Just give me the drool bucket. I may need a fresh one soon.

And the acts. The Quartermaine guys were too cool! I think I have the sunglasses they were wearing!
Jax and Chloe. Amazing how they just IMPROVED that.
"The next act that cancels, it's you and me, babe." Hm, Hannah and Sonny dancing... I would pay so much money to see that.

Well, that's it. I was just looking at the clothes today... Dont' flame me, this was a one time thing. Till next year, anyway. =)

