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Hap's Adventure

Subject: Buffy Festival *LONG*
Date: Thu, Mar 5, 1998 4:02 AM
From: Paneklr

Ok Gang....this is my *official* post about the Buffy Festival that I went to wed. night.

First off...sorry about any grammar or spelling's now 2am and I'm doing this while it's fresh in my mind!

I got there early to make sure my press/photo pass was all set up....just in case ya know! When I got there..there were already about 200+ people in line with tickets and another 200+ hoping to get a cancellation ticket. From what I was told..there were a TOTAL of 585 tickets available...and then AFTER the Directors Guild of America took there percentage of tix and other vips..there were ONLY 105 to be sold to the general public. That's why it sold out soooo quickly. Anyways, I waited at the press table for the lady to arrive...and lo and behold...just 5 feet away from me chit-chatting with some guy was Eriq La Salle...( think ER )....anyways....after my name was cleared on the list, I was taken to a little area that was roped off with about 6-7 other photgraphers. We waited till about 7:50pm or so..and then was taken to a back room..really off to the side where they were having a reception for the cast....the cast was put in front of a musuem banner and we were allowed to shoot their pictures. Right before that we met each character and shook their hands. WAY cool! We were about 4 feet away. I shot 2 dozen pictures. And also Sarah, Charisma, and Aly posed by themselves. During the shoot..I waited till Aly was looking at me..and I quickly said " A big smile for the Hanniganites" and she REALLY beamed...I knew she knew what I was talking about!! Since I know you will is what they were wearing:

Sarah: Brown leather pants, Black top Her hair was darker than what we have seen.
Aly: Black short dress, black knee-hi's. ( YES!! ) and her hair was more red.
Nick: Gray Pants, vest, jacket
David: Almost dressed like he usually does. Black pants, white shirt
Charisma: Tiger like print mini dress with a NICE slit!! :-)
Giles: Jeans, Blazer and I think boots.

Ok....after the photo shoot...we are herded out...and the crowd QUICKLY goes into the is where a potential problem almost happened. The press pass I got was ONLY good for the wouldn't let me in the auditorium..and the tickets were WAY sold out. I talked to the lady in charge and she told me to hang on. I waited by the will-call area..where now they had 300+ people in line to get a cancellation ticket. After they told everyone there were no more tix. available...the lady in charge handed me one!

I went into the was packed! They started the night by showing the ENTIRE "Innocence", picture you watching it at home...and take ALL those emotions and multiply them by 585 people!! And they showed the epsiode on a movie screen!!! It was incredible!! The crowd was going nuts at everything!!

After the episode was over..they brought up the lights and had the cast go on stage where they had chairs set up. It was now time for 1 full hour of audience questions. I'll try to remember everything that was said.....ready?? Some parts I have quotes and others are just in context.

Q: To joss, How did the whole Buffy thing start? A: Well, I always saw movies with blondes getting killed in dark I wanted to have blondes do the killing.

Q: To david, how long does it take for the make-up as Angelus?
A: it takes 60-70 minutes to put on the prosthetic piece.

Q: Will they bring back Angel?
A: (from joss)

Q: How long does it take to tape an epsiode?
A: About 8 days not counting editing time.

Q: Any new allies?
A: Of course!! You have Oz! (from joss)
Interesting note...Seth then stood up from the audience and he was TWO seats away from me!! The crowd went nuts!

Q: David, do you enjoy the good angel or the bad angel?
A: I enjoy them both equally

Q: Sarah, Is it true that you know Tae-Kwon-do?
A: Yes...I stopped due to school right before my brown belt test.

Q: Any new projects coming out for anyone?
A: Modern version of "Dangerous Liasons" (Sarah)
Dead man.......(Aly)
"I have home videos with my girlfriend!" (Nicholas)

Q: Joss, will you ever have an episode to show how the slayer stuff started from the beginning?
A: Maybe...

Q: Sarah, all these rumors about you leaving...what's up?
A: They are just nasty rumors..."I'll stay as long as the show goes on"

Q: What do you guys like about your characters?
A: Everything.."I really like the yellow lenses" (David) (He also GRABS Nic and KISSES him on the forehead!
"I like the comedy in the character" (Nicholas)
Truthfullness!! (Charisma) Big laughs! her fave line is the "Tact is not saying true stuff" from the last episode.
I like being an empowered girl (Sarah)
She's everyone knew a willow in h.s. (aly)
"I like how he has evolved" (Anthony) And then sarah throws in a line about giles being a pedophile....more big laughs!

Q: Joss, what made you pick the WB?
A: He didn't think any other network would let him do the show as he wanted to.

Q: Anthony, talk about your part
A: Well, since I'm from over-seas..I researched the part by talking to real H.S librarians

Q: Will there be more Dru and Spike?
A: YES!! (joss)

Q: What do you guys think of seeing yourselves in magazines or billboards and such?
A: Very Bizarre (David)
Doesn't like it (Sarah)
Kinda like it...I like to watch the show (Aly)

Q: Who is the most different from their character...(the entire panel look at anthony)
A: Anthony.....he comes to the set in baggy pants, earrings and high tops.
This is where Charisma interrupts and says "I was hoping I'd be the most different!!" Once again big laughs!

Q: Joss, what about the move to tuesdays?
A: wasn't worried...was happy that they paired it with DC

Q: Aly, will we see more of "Halloween" willow? the leather and such?
A: NO WAY!! "When I did that episode..every time they stopped shooting..I had to put clothes on!"

Q: Talk about finding out when you got the part and who you told first.
A: "I was in the 7-11 parking lot...and told people inside!" (Aly) She also didn't know that she got the part till about 13 days after the final test.
" I told my mom" (Sarah) She also mentioned that she tested for cordy as well since she had REALLY dark hair. and that she tested like 6 times.
Mine was wierd because I was still shooting "Malibu Shores" (Charisma) and then Nicholas interrupts and mumbles something to her and she responds with "NO NO that's shores with an S!" She also mentioned that she was running REALLY late and told her agent to keep them there. "Tell them to order pizza" ! and then Charisma says " and then I knocked their socks off" ..Aly responds with " was just good pizza!"
I was on as a recurring character (David) and then I was told "Whats it feel like being signed on the cast?" (this is where he found out he got the part.

Q: How many people have to die before the authorities notice?
A: "No comment" (joss)

Q: How do you pick the music?
A: Bands send in tapes and we listen to them and pick.

Q: What about willow and xander?
A: "Right here, right now!!!" (Nicholas) "What about oz??" (Aly)

Q: Joss, what character was most fun to create?
A: All of them equally

Q: Any feedback from Kristy Swanson?
A: Haven't heard from her since the movie (Joss)

Q: Was Kristy Swanson ever a choice for Buffy?
A: No (joss)

Q: Favorite scene or episode?
A: Too hard (Aly and David)
When willow kisses oz (Sarah)
Reptile boy or BBB when cordy was vunerable but still bitchy (Charisma)
Slow motion scenes from "the pack" and "BBB" (Nicholas)

Q: (something about the real h.s that they use)
A: "The funniest was when I was filming the kissing scene with oz and after the kiss, there were tons of people that yelled in unison "What about xander" ( aly)

Q: Are the monsters made up or based on "real" monsters?
A: some are just pulled out of the air.

That was the last question....and then the cast got up and left the stage...excpet for Seth who was sitting two seats away from me....he got up and started to sign autographs. I asked him why he wasnt on the panel and he said Joss had only wanted the regular characters...that's why Dru and Spike weren't there either. I took an ENTIRE roll of film of just Seth! After it was over and he left...the lady that was in charge of the event asked me how I liked it...of course I was still in shock!! I told here I was a HUGE fan of the show...I also thanked her for the press pass and the chance to shoot it and also the ticket. She shook my hand..walked away..came back and handed me the shooting script from "Innocene"!! And it was signed by the entire cast!! OH MY GOD! This lady rocks!!! One thing I noticed was right after the event..they had a vip party and the cast was there as well..EXCEPT for Sarah...she left IMMEDIATLY after the question session. Wierd

Anyways...that's it! If you have any questions..please feel free to ask....and as for the pictures..I'll get them developed and set up for download as soon as I can... :-)

Oh...this does this allow me to add "The almighty..something" my sig?? ;-)

Proud member of the Hanniganite family!
Charter Member of APCL
Member of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer On-Line Fan Club™
Member of The Slayer Prophecies
The Official Women of Sunnydale Sponge Bather.
Official Keeper of the Nicky & Blondi Hamsters! :-)

Sack lunch ( WttH)
Recruitment into the "Slayerettes" (WttH)
Plaid skirt & striped shirt Ensemble (Witch)
Brown cardigan sweater (Witch)
Sex conscience smarts (Bad Eggs)

Black high heel shoes (BBB)

Credit Card (Passion)
Headstone *RIP* (Passion)

Xander: "So Cor, you printing up business cards with your pager number and hours of operation or just going with a halter top tonight?"
