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The Hot Bomb

Subject: naked animal crackers 'n stuff
Date: Tue, Nov 25, 1997 1:55 AM
From: CordyChase
Message-id: <>

see, you whip out the tools and some manual labor, throw together a bandwagon... it makes things happen!!! wow. we've seen success.

top ten reasons why this episode is the "hot bomb"

1. alyson was in it.
'nuff said. although, did anyone else catch the "hold him steady" when they were all fighting in the church?

2. kendra proved us wrong.
once she had some screen time, she proved to be a serious, yet cool enough character to be allowed to romp through sunnydale. she DOES have emotion.

3. TCUXACOGTALOC... twice!
did i not say that it would happen during one of those "i'm yelling at you, now i'm kissing you moments"!!!!!!! i jumped two feet out of my chair (this can be verified by eyewitnesses) when this happened. i knew it! i have the campaign to prove it! Loved the music.

4. the maggot stomp dance
it DID happen. it did!

5. the maggot stomp dance was a result of the cordy and xander two step.
see number 4.

6. Willow and Oz in 97/98
he took a bullet for her. he told her about the animal crackers. he said she had "the sweetest smile"
(hey, nick and buffharley, i say oz is the ultimate almighty hanniganite)

7. "nobody messes with my boyfriend"
someone posted that they didn't like this line, because it sounded written. i think it was written to sound written. buffy's a child of pop culture.

8. "grrrrrr... bad dog."
you learn something new everyday.

9. dru and spike role reversal
now, of everything that we talk about on this board, and everything that happened tonight, THIS was the most unexpected event i can ever think of. forget angel staking darla or spike toasting the annoy- er, annointed one, this was cool.

10. TCUXACOGTALOC... twice!
it happened twice, it get's listed twice. i get excited twice. wow. twice.

oh yeah... and what about that "re-winding" thing when willy took angel out of the cage? was that just a local broadcasting error, or was it a "oh, joss feels like chaning his mind" moment.

"Grr... bad dog."
Almighty Hanniganite
Founder of the successful TCUXACOGTALOC
Member of the successful Willow and Oz in 97/98 Bandwagon
