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Faith Kissed Buffy!

Subject: Faith kissed Buffy. ('n stuff)
Date: Wed, 17 March 1999 12:02 AM EST
From: WBSellOut

HA! They're trying to kill me. Evil Angel is bad enough, but...

Faith kissed Buffy.

I have to go... away.

Slay the force be with you,

Karyn - AHF VP

Almighty Jester One

CSFWS Co-Founder

Keeper - Joyce's flowery "mom" robe - Faith's motel room key. HA!



Willow and Oz in 98/99


Subject: Re: Faith kissed Buffy. ('n stuff)
Date: Wed, 17 March 1999 02:04 AM EST
From: SCPandich

You know, when I saw that, all I could think was, "How is Karyn going to react to that?" Now I know.
Subject: Re: Faith kissed Buffy. ('n stuff)
Date: Wed, 17 March 1999 09:25 AM EST
From: KDec90

What about the "I'm keeping her warm for ya, big guy" remark she made? I picked up on that one.........

Yay me!

"It's our lot in life. We were made to suffer."
---- C-3PO
Star Wars

"In a way, each of us have an El Guapo to face someday" Three Amigos
Subject: Re: Faith kissed Buffy. ('n stuff)
Date: Fri, 19 March 1999 07:21 AM EST
From: WBSellOut

>Oh, that. I didn't consider that a kiss! That's what everyone's talking >about? DUH! ::smacks self on forehead:: Okay, I got it.

Well the foley artist considered it one. It sounded like a Xander/Cordy Broom Closet #3 with a hint of Angel/Buffy #5.

Slay the force be with you,

Karyn - AHF VP

Almighty Jester One

CSFWS Co-Founder

Keeper - Joyce's flowery "mom" robe - Faith's motel room key. HA!

Keep the Faith in '99


Subject: Re: Faith kissed Buffy. ('n stuff)
Date: Fri, 19 March 1999 07:40 PM EST
From: MsLong2th

hmm..all this because of a kiss on the forehead...what about when angelus kissed spike on the forehead?? (i think it was in innocence..but i could be wrong...) i think its more of a taunting thing....::note: i really dont want to go here just making a point::;

theres no one in the world exactly like me...sometimes even i have trouble doing it...
BUFFYLAND!!!! has moved....
Pres of GFC
Happy Hanniganite
Member of a lot of clubs that dont fit in this sig....
Subject: Re: Faith kissed Buffy. ('n stuff)
Date: Sat, 20 March 1999 04:10 AM EST
From: WBSellOut

But with Faith. there's a subtext. And I want to believe.

Slay the force be with you,

Karyn - AHF VP

Almighty Jester One

CSFWS Co-Founder

Keeper - Joyce's flowery "mom" robe - Faith's motel room key. HA!

Keep the Faith in '99


Subject: Re: Faith kissed Buffy. ('n stuff)
Date: Thu, 25 March 1999 04:04 PM EST
From: KGray81996's Koren. I'm on a friend's computer...and where the heck is Kat?! I thought for sure she would have gotten around to commenting on this before I did...anyway, this brings up my first thought about this scene...
"Oh my God, I was right, CC and Joss ARE the same person! ! ! ! !"
(wondering how many people are going to realize why I thought that....)

