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Kotter!, sarah!

Subject: Re: Drucilla part of Jenny's Tribe?
Date: Thu, 26 August 1999 06:45 AM EDT
From: Wanderingsarah


well its good to know somethings never change.

oh who am i? i'm just one of the evil forces behind this thread. thats right. its sarah (as in sarahinaz, almighty queen of endlessness, co founder of the thread that would not end... i'll stop now)

so how have you all been? europe was fun. (i may expand on that statement later) visiting friends in the north east of the u.s. was fun (probably won't expand on that, wouldn't want to start rumors so soon after returning after all) and now i'm home. which would now be in hawaii. i'm here for a month, and then i go off to school in london. anyway the point would be hopefully while i'm here i'll be able to return to my endless duties that i have so thoughtlessly neglected.

oh oh oh. those of you who know me (those of you who don't why are you still reading this? has this thread gotten so far in its brain washing that people just read what ever is posted on it? or are you just nosey and want to know about a strangers life? hmm? there are support groups for that sort of thing) what was i saying? does anyone know? really anyone? ::going back and reading what i was going to say:: oh those of you who know me and know i was buffyless for an entire year (i survived) i am now fully caught up. (can you say buffy marathon?) anyway thats about it for now. which is good because its already frighteningly long isn't it? ah its good to have things back to normal... although this thread can not be refered to as normal can it? then again niether can i. i was stopping wasn't i? ::stopping::

love from
the almighty queen of endlessness
