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How the Law Relates to Buffy

Subject: Re: A Poll
Date: Sat, 25 April 1998 07:42 AM EDT
From: SCPandich

Who would he get to defend him? Johnnie Cochran, who else?

"The Sunnydale Police Department is engaged in a massive conspiracy because they are prejudiced against my client simple because he lacks a pulse!"

"The prosecution would have you believe that they have been unable to produce any witness to this one murder because it occurred 150 years ago. How convenient that they should just happen to have that excuse ready."

"The prosecution would have you believe that the bloodstains prove my client's guilt. Well, there's only one problem with that--my client is not a sloppy eater. He doesn't leave bloodstains!"

"If the fang marks don't fit, you must acquit!"
