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Be a-scared... Be very a-scared...

Subject: Re: DONE!!!!!!
Date: Mon, 01 June 1998 11:58 PM EDT
From: Spec159

1)I am the only person that single-handedly rolled the cheerleaders cars in high school with enough tp to cover three college campuses. That doesn't include all of the plastic streamers and shaving cream. Did I mention it was raining that night?

2) TPed the school the night before the Superintendent and media was to view the school, which had just been remodeled.

3) Saran-wrapped a friends car, then took potable hair dryer and shrank wrapped the car. (Took then 5hours 13minutes and 7secs to get into that car.)

4)Sporked my worst enemies yard one night, and the preceded to egg the house.

5)Watched a friend of mine liquid nail his ex-girlfriends, new boyfriends new BMW completely shut, then fill it up with water. (floating CD's)

6) Shoved my sisters out of the car and made them walk home from a certain park here after they pissed me off. (**side note--I got worried about them and picked them up, after all they where only nine at the time**)

7) I had a hit-list in high school. **side-note: most people still fear me because of that**

8) Blackmailed the entire varsity cheerleading squad, because I knew who they where sleeping with.

9) Wrote a small book that I still threaten to publish of all of the cheerleaders little conquests.

10) Threw a wild party a my best friends house while her and her parents where out of town.

11) Deliver 25 pizzas (before they started checking numbers) to one of the cheerleaders houses.

12) Had a key cut to my best friend Matt's, ex-girlfriends car so I could move it around campus while she was in class. Went to breakfast in it one day.
I could go on if you want me too........
(evil manical laughter)>>

Yow, Ashli! Guess I'll have to up the ante...

1. I have a Yanni CD... no Teshie though.

2. I got into a fight w/ my brother, and he dared me to chuck his Snowspeeder out the window(7th floor)... I did.

3. His freshman year of college on a trip to see him, I ceaselessly teased my brother about the girl he liked until he screamed at me to stop.

4. I once woke my brother up on Thanksgiving by having me and two other friends "pile drive" him while he was in bed.

5. Joseph Stalin is an idol of mine, as is Napoleon Bonaparte, and as the Emperor from Return of the Jedi is... love that Imperial March...

6. My brother, a cousin and I took a relative's car on a little joy ride upstate. At one point we think the car actually became airborne. It was a station wagon.

7. As an altar boy, I giggled, raced the other boys into the apse, and got kicked out by the priest. 8. Two words: Special Pizzas.
9. I chanted "Mets Suck!!!!" during the 1986 playoffs and World Series, the only one in my J.H.S. class to do so (sorry Fluf, but it's pure hatred between me and them)

10. I invented this in-house game on a holiday where you would tie two people to each other as tight as possible and see if they could untie themselves in a certain time. Then I cheated when I was tied up w/ a knife

11. I'm born and bred in New York City.

12. When a friend got pissed at us and left the friend's apartment we were at, we water bombed him from 5 flights up.

13. I rhymed my best friend's name into every song I could think of, the most famous of which is:

"Cobra Rav-Sean
There's no Hav-Sean
From the Cobra Rav-Sean..."

"It's got two jet engines,
And a one man phone,
And it's on the look-out
For G.I. Sean!"

14. Spork sword-fighting (I mean a BIG metal spork) w/ my brother. I seriously almost lost an eye from that.

15. At the U.S. Open I chanted "Har-Monica... Har-Monica..." as Monica Seles was playing.

16. We used to dangle one of those high-powered speakers out a window, and yell "YO Pizzaboy!" into the mike at the passing delivery guys when we ordered.

17. We dared a friend to run after eating a full plate of shrimp- he later puked in his parents' van...

Unfortunately, living in NYC, no houses to TP.

Ok, people move away from this thread... We now have a free-fire zone here...

You know Ash, Scott, Jenn, and I have a group for like-minded people such as you and me. Wanna join? (If it's ok with them, and if you have the time) Someone in gov't like you has the perfect sensibility we're looking for...

Subject: Re: DONE!!!!!!
Date: Tue, 02 June 1998 01:40 AM EDT
From: SCPandich


>>1. I hate to lose- Even if I'm playing a six-year old in a game, I feel the need to crush them into a pulp... I'll play nice, but I'll make sure I win.<<

Well, I hate to lose as well. And if that means taking certain liberties with the rules, well, my nine year old nephew has to learn sometime that life is hard.... And when winning, I purposefully prolong the kill...

>>2. My basketball-playing style combines that of Bill Laimbeer w/ that of Dennis Rodman. I'm the master of the "accidental" elbow.<<

Actual physical exertion in the pursuit of evil? Excuse me, do the words indolence and sloth have no meaning to you?

>>3. The whole D-thing was my idea.<<

Okay, a point in your favor.

>>4. I torment my best friend w/ various Irish jokes (the Kennedys, drinking, sheep jokes, etc.)<<

Puh-leeze. Making Kennedy jokes is like breathing--not terribly difficult for most.

>>5. See there's this board game Supremacy that I love to play. It always ends up w/ me or one of my friends nuking the world into a nuclear winter. I find this hilarious, and we play it despite the fact no one ever wins...<<

In the game Axis and Allies I always play the Axis. And nuclear explosions are so pretty, aren't they?

>>6. I'm starting a campaign to bring Ginger back to the Spice Girls.<<

I thought you were going for evil, not annoying. Me? I'm rooting for the day when the nominees for "Best Polka" get to play during the Grammy Awards show.

>>7. I think that "Psycho Joe(Goes to the Electric Chair)" by Blues Traveler is one of the greatest songs of all time. <<

"Dead Puppies" is better by far.

>>8. I dumped Orange Juice over Matt Schiffman's head in 3rd Grade.<<

Not even worth commenting on.

>>9. When I first walk into a building, my first thought is "If I were an assassin and the Pres. of the U.S. were to come in now how would I kill him and get away with it?"<<

Why do people even wonder about this? A small tactical nuke in a car during the State of the Union address. One press of a button, the entire government of the United States decapitated.

>>10. When other classmates were reading their textbooks in H.S., I was reading books like "How to Make War" and "Nuclear Warfighting Strategies".<<

And I have a book called "Coup d'Etat." My favorite part are the maps showing where to position troops when you seize the capital.

>>11. You don't even want to know about the "Sneak Attack" incident in 5th Grade.<<

If it's as amateurish as the rest, you're right. ;)

(not feeling particularly threatened)
