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Karyn's Movie

Subject: Seth Green 'n stuff
Date: Mon, Mar 30, 1998 7:01 AM
From: Nonplebian

Apologies if this has already been posted, but Seth will be in a movie titled "Can't Hardly Wait" which opens later this year. It also features Jerry O'Connell, Melissa Joan Hart and Charlie Korsmo (a guy who did something like six movies between 1990 and 1991 and then vanished [he was Jack in, "Hook" and The Kid in, "Dick Tracy" to name a couple]).

Seth Green may also be appearing in yet another film when the time comes. A screenwriting buddy of mine has written a very funny script and he plans on attempting to get Seth to play the lead. We'll see what happens. I'll keep you posted.

"But Ho-ho's are a vital part of my cognitive process!"

Slay the force be with you,
Karyn a.k.a. Freelance Spice
The Almighty Jester One
Almighty Hanniganite Family VP
I'm the one who keeps talking when you wish the conversation was over.
Subject: Re: Seth Green 'n stuff
Date: Mon, Mar 30, 1998 3:59 PM
From: NLW2218

Karyn, that is so cool. So... think you can get me into a movie? ;-)

"My pores are cute!"
Hanniganite, WTIXC, ALA, OTA, etc. etc.
Keeper of the right front hubcap of Oz's van
Guardian Angel of Sunshine and her sparky little soul
"I'm the good girl, Ashli's the bad girl, and Lindsey is the confused, loveable, obsessive one."
Musketeer and sheep
Missing Linds
Subject: Re: Seth Green 'n stuff
Date: Tue, Mar 31, 1998 12:31 PM
From: WBSellOut


You can be in my horror movie (if I ever finish writing it).

Casting call: Whenever the honorable Karyn "Ben" [last name omitted] is in the postition to cast the roles in her film, she will be seeking unknowns. Be ready. =)

"But Ho-ho's are a vital part of my cognitive process!"

Slay the force be with you,
Karyn a.k.a. Freelance Spice
The Almighty Jester One
Almighty Hanniganite Family VP
Subject: Re: Seth Green 'n stuff
Date: Tue, Mar 31, 1998 2:45 PM
From: NLW2218

Horror movie? Ooh, ohh, I have experience!!! I die really well!!!

"My pores are cute!"
Hanniganite, WTIXC, ALA, OTA, etc. etc.
Keeper of the right front hubcap of Oz's van
Guardian Angel of Sunshine and her sparky little soul
"I'm the good girl, Ashli's the bad girl, and Lindsey is the confused, loveable, obsessive one."
Musketeer and sheep
Missing Linds
Subject: Re: Seth Green 'n stuff
Date: Tue, Mar 31, 1998 4:46 PM
From: SCPandich

Hey! I'm unknown!

Heck, my family even calls me 'whatshisface'!

