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You Know You're Obsessed When...

Subject: something to do with buffy.
Date: Sun, Jan 18, 1998 3:52 PM

41 Ways to know your obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer

1. You saw the movie, and still watched the show.
2. YOu actually know the line "Do you know what the saddest thing in the world is" who said it and on what episode.
3. You legaly change your name to Buffy.
4. You legaly change your name to Buffy and your a guy.
5.YOu Rate every show by the Buffy factor.
6. You actually have a rating called the buffy factor.
7. You hate horror movies and yet you went to see both Scream 2 and I know what you did Last Summer just to see SMG.
8. You can take an Active side in the whose hotter/cooler David Boreanaz/Angel Nicholas Brendon/Xander war.
9.After the first episode you went to the nearest Church and got ten bottles of holly water, five crosses, and carved like 100 stakes and have at least one of all those items on you at all times.
10. You go for walks in the nearest cemetary every night just in case Angel is taking a walk.
11. Whenever you have a problem you think to youself " Now how would Buffy/Angel/Willow/Xander/ extra deal with this?".
12.You demand your boyfriend turn into a vampire then get a gypsy curse.
13. You can answer Buffy quizes.
14. You write Buffy Quizes.
15. You convinced your Boyfriend hed look cute with that vampire face. and fangs.
16. Your convinced your Boyfriend hed look cute with that vampire face. and fangs.
17.You wonder why your town isnt on top of a hellmouth.
18. YOu get your little brother a wooden stake for his birthday.
19. You actually know what day is blood delivery day at your local hospital.
20. The first thing you think when your parents tell you you need a job is "How many stakes could I buy with my allowence"
21.You demand your parents get a job transplant to Sunnydale.
22. YOu have every Buffy episode on tape.
23. Youve seen every buffy episode at least 10 times.
24. Your computer is custimized with buffy stuff.
25. Your room is basicly a shrine to Buffy/Angel/Willow/extra.
26.Whn your school was asking for suggestions for the school play you suggest a tribut to Buffy.
27. You bug your school about that play so much they do it then you cry if you dont get the roll of buffy.
28. YOu name the cutest guy in your school Angel and the second cutest Xander.
29. You want "Xander (Aka the second cutest guy in your school) " To carve stakes.
30.You spend hours debating with your friends why its ok to date a vampire.
31. you wish your teachers were giant bugs.
32. When your health teacher assigned you to take care of an egg the first thing you did when you got home was hard boil it, and you still couldnt sleep!
33.You tell someone you dislike "You better watch out or I'm gonna Slay you!".
34. You want to be a slayer when you grow up..- and your in collage.
35. You go to your local club and Demand it changes its name to The Bronze.
36. Someone dissing Buffy in your presence seriously makes you want to abolish the First amendment.
37. You Refused to go to the prom if you couldnt find an exact replica of Buffy's dress.
38. YOu Thought Cordy was nice, the first season. get every refrence in this list.
40. You make this list a guidline for your life.
41. You post messages on the Buffy TVS Message board!

P.S. I'd love your coments, feel free to print this out, and watch for continuations. By the way I dont want to be mean, but I hate it when people copy My ideas, and I realize that some of you may have allready wrote lists like this But I am the first to put mine on this board, I really dont mean to sound snotty.

Buff: What can I say? She likes to hit!
BUFFY:Love makes you do the wacky.
Angel: HuH?
Buff: oh, crazy stuff.
Angel: Crazy? Like a 241 year old being jealous of a high school junior?
Your so Amped about hell? Go There!
