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Subject: obsessions
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 1998 4:42 AM
From: Sarahinaz

ok, i have found that people who obsess about one thing (buffy for example) tend to obsess over other things too, and i thought it would be interesting to find out what other things you all are into. i'll go first, its no shocker to most of you, but i am a bit of a beatle fan. i just think its fun when everbody shares...and there are reruns on...

love from,
founder of OTA
born again hanniganite

my head is filled with things to say
Subject: Re: obsessions
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 1998 6:51 AM
From: NuggleLuv

I have to admit....i obsess over my cats....I have two of them (Buffy and Bast).....I have to make sure that everything is perfect for them...much to the dismay of my husband..I treat them as if they were my children.....that's the only other thing i obsess about

P.S. 50 days until i graduate!!!! (just thought i'd throw that in there)

Love to All,
Subject: Re: obsessions
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 1998 3:48 PM
From: Erin10584

-my computer
-anything that I brought back from Hawaii
-any place with warm weather and beaches
-ice cream
-my sunglasses
-making people happy
-having everything be neat and orderly
-my other world

If I had more time, I could think of more stuff.

"Cookie Dough Sport- Be the DOUGH."
"I didn't know Graceland was one big room."
Proud member of the Hanniganites
Charter Member of APCL
Subject: Re: obsessions
Date: Thu, Mar 26, 1998 2:34 PM
From: Blondi7698


Hey Diana,
I have this obsession too except its not to become my mother...Shuddering...
BTVS, this board, my friends on this board, unicorns, pegacis (sp?), tragically romantic movies, Precious Moments figurines and Angel!!!!
happen to be my other obsessions.

Proud Member of the Hanniganite Family
Charter Member of the APCL
Happy New Member of "ALA"
Hap's Content but (Over Petted) Hamster
Taylor of Angel's snug fitting leather pants

Willow: "Uh, Angel, if I tell you something you really don't want to hear do you promise not to bite me?"

Xander: "Angel was in your bedroom!?"
Willow: "Ours is a forbidden love."

Subject: Re: obsessions
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 1998 6:48 PM
From: WBVL Lynn

Let's see....obsessions, obesssions...oh yeah This board ;)

~~WBVL Lynn~~
Buffy Chat Host/Board Reader
Keyword: WBVL
Subject: Re: obsessions
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 1998 4:01 PM
From: Zeing8

I have to say that the only real thing I'm obsessed about is Buffy. I like other things like comics, Street Fighter, Pearl Jam, Prodigy, a couple hundred other bands, tv, DBZ, and some Japanimation now and again, but I have to say that Buffy is my only obsession.

Cordy's Lackey
-Oh, Crap! Cordy read that post about Merdith Brooks. No utility closet for me.-

Proud Charter Member of
"The APCL"

Proud Member of
"The Almighty Hanniganites"
Subject: Re: obsessions
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 1998 8:08 PM
From: N HaHa

My obsessions? Are you looking for a very long list? If so, here you go.

"Buffy", Alyson Hannigan, the Cubs (6 days until Next Year (as in "Wait till next year!")), the Bulls, videogames, my computer, Stonehenge, Greek Mythology, Chicago, being a perfectionist, wasting time by doing useless things <*cough* minutes>, thinking too hard, dolphins, playing sports (as poorly as I play most of them...), "Homicide", sidewalk driving, watching ESPN2 no matter what is on, "Sportscenter", "MST3K", Ben Folds Five, Jewel, Beatles, telling horrible jokes, making the following joke, procrastinating, ad... well, I'll finish this list later.

Have a day,
Luck be a lady tonight...

"Devoted to the Adorable"

"Buffy is a show by losers, for losers. Be PROUD. Losers rule."

Hanniganite Pres.
102 members and counting

WILLOW & OZ IN '97/98

Subject: Re: obsessions
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 1998 10:33 PM
From: Ashy221111

Since when we did we become obsessive? :::she ducks:::

I am not obsessive, I have no clue where you people got that idea!! hehe

Let see, here is my list: James Dean, Buffy, my god-children, harrassing my sisters, UNC basketball, playing softball, and right now, I can't think of anything else.

" Everything I do, I do it for you guys"
The Almighty Sneaky One!
Missing Linds!! >8-(
"I am the bad girl, Nat is the good girl, and Lindsey is the confused, loveable, obsessive one!"
The Three Musketeers--All For One & One For All
Proud member of the Almighty Hanniganite Family
Nick's Unofficial Adviser
Keeper of Willow's Suprise at Buffy's Kindness
Hamster On the Loose!!
Hap's Goth Monkey
Proud member of:
ASH Admirers
SMG Idolizers
Official Keeper of the Jill and Lindsey Hamsters
Founder of Hamsters With Attitudes and Opposable Thumbs (HWAAOT)
Charter Member of APCL
Subject: Re: obsessions
Date: Thu, Mar 26, 1998 1:18 AM
From: RobinS1013

I KNOW I'm not a regular poster here (I'm kinda new to Buffy) but this obsessions post is just TOO tempting to pass up. So without further ado, here are some of my MANY obsessions.

My television shows (The X-Files, BTVS, Dawson's Creek, Ally McBeal), The BULLS (I'm from Chicago, ARTICHOKES, my computer, reading, obsessing over trivial things, being on time, I MUST always be on time or I go insance, overthinking, overextending myself to the point of where there is no possible way to do everything but I still feel like I most be perfect, guys' cologne, (mmm, I love it when it's that rich, musty kind of scent... ahhhh), guys' watches (long story), highlights that laugh, Leo, Matt, and Ben, and when guys "pull Motties" (give their coat to a girl who's cold). All right, I'll stop now, but there's plenty more where THAT came from


"The second you stop wanting is the second you die"
"Hey, Morning Sunshine!"
"Clap hard, Dawson, you may be Tinkerbell's last hope"
Subject: Re: obsessions
Date: Fri, Mar 27, 1998 9:04 PM
From: NLW2218

Okay, I can't resist.

-Titanic (shock)
-General Hospital
-acting and a new obsession with singing (even though I've been doing it for 10 years)

Not many actual obsessions. Wow. I think I should probably be impressed. Oh, and Cartoons. I love cartoons.

"I can't do this, I have a soul."
SMG Idolizer, ASH Admirer, ALA, WTIXC, OTA
Keeper of the right front hubcap of Oz's van
Guardian Angel of Sunshine and her sparky little soul
"I'm the good girl, Ashli's the bad girl, and Lindsey is the confused, loveable, obsessive one."
Musketeer and Sheep
Missing Linds =(
Subject: Re: obsessions
Date: Sun, Mar 29, 1998 9:27 PM
From: MelonJello

I'm gonna have to say Buffy is my biggest obsession. But I have a couple others......

I used to be completely obsessed with Lois and Clark until about a year before they canceled it. That was my first obsession. Hmm...I get obsessed with bands. Right now it's Ben Folds Five. I think I've worn the CD out from playing it so much. And I'm dying for them to tour in New York. Oh and Rent. I literally know every word to the play. My friend and I repeated half the play walking to her house. It was fun.....and yet extremely scary. I get obsessed with books too. I reread them billions of times. Franco American Dreams by Julie Taylor is awesome. Everyone go out and read it now. Read it several times. It's so great. Titanic, John Cusack, Starbucks. I'm sure I'll find more, but that's it for now. Okay, bye.

"What did you see in him?"
"The future.."

"Here I stand. Sad and free. And I can't cry. And I can't see. What I've done. Oh, god, what have I done."
-Bens Fold Five, "Evaporated"
Almighty Hanniganite
