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The Orgy Posts

Subject: Re: Anyone want to know who that was with Angle?
Date: Wed, Dec 31, 1997 12:10 PM
From: N HaHa

Nobody was with that Evil, Obtuse Twin. He wasn't even in the preview. Now, who was with Angel? That's a good question. People seem to be divided between "Buffy" and "you can't tell". Because of this, I think it's Buffy's mom (who's going to be the first to tell me to shut up already with this?).

Come on, tell me to shut up, I can take it,
"Devoted to the Adorable"
The Amazing Mr. Cross ->† Founder of:
WILLOW & OZ IN '97/98
The Almighty NICKname Campaign
Proud member of:
membership director of
The Almighty Hanniganite Family
Subject: Re: Anyone want to know who that was with Angle?
Date: Wed, Dec 31, 1997 12:39 PM
From: Fluf2Toes

Nick, shut up! Angel is not Buffy's mom's type. She is into more mechanical things. (let it go people)

Just, Fluf
"I'm going to kill you. Will that blow the whole Karma thing?"
Subject: Re: Anyone want to know who that was with Angle?
Date: Fri, Jan 2, 1998 8:38 AM
From: WBSellOut


I'm still laughing.


Sigh. There goes my theory.


That's what they all said when I proposed my Willow and Cordy idea.

"You jump, I jump."

Almighty Hanniganite
Founder of AAF - PTYFAET © 1997
Willow and Oz in 97/98 Bandwagon
Subject: Re: Anyone want to know who that was with Angle?
Date: Fri, Jan 2, 1998 2:51 PM
From: Star 380


No, Xander's there, too. So we have to figure out a new way for Buffy to find out. Maybe because she gets bored and can't find anyone to hang out with and it's because everyone's over at Angel's doing unthinkable things... You know, I'd quit the coffee, but I don't need the withdrawal symptoms.

Vice president of STSRASANDCAAB
Willow and Oz in '97/98
Member of the Hanniganite Family
"People underestimate the value of a good ramble."
Subject: Re: Anyone want to know who that was with Angle?
Date: Wed, Dec 31, 1997 12:45 PM
From: Rikki1970

Nick, we are in the minority in thinking it is Buffys' mom. Because of this, I say shout it on the rooftops, we have to make the others aware!!

Seeking enlightenment from the Buffy boards,
Subject: Re: Anyone want to know who that was with Angle?
Date: Wed, Jan 7, 1998 8:45 PM
From: Rikki1970

It is the blonde hair kid in the Chef Boyardi Ravioli commercials that is in the bed with Angel. Hasn't anyone but me noticed he hasn't appeared in any new commercials lately? It's him in bed with Angel I tell you!

Subject: Re: Anyone want to know who that was with Angle?
Date: Wed, Dec 31, 1997 1:48 PM
From: MelonJello

Come on guys, it's not Joyce it's Giles. It makes perfect sense...we've all seen Giles eyeing Angel, it was bound to happen sooner or later. But I could be wrong....maybe it's Giles AND Jenny....Huh, guys? You with me?

"...Ask for some aspirin..."
Member of:
The Almighty Hanniganite Family
Willow and Oz in '97/98 Bandwagon
Subject: Re: Anyone want to know who that was with Angle?
Date: Wed, Dec 31, 1997 2:17 PM
From: StarrEeyes


your all wrong! It's spike! I know his whole plot. He was just using Dru to get to her sire. It all makes sense. Why else would Dru have a knife to Angel's neck. Think about it. I mean, why would spike want a nutcase like dru when he could have a beefcake like angel.

ok, i think ill go retreat back to my straight jacket.


"ARe We BRoNZiNG ToNiGHT?... We CaN aLWaYS SMaSH ouR eNeMieS iNTo TaLCuM PoWDeR W/ a SLeDGeHaMMeR, BuT, SHuCKS, We DiD THaT LaST NiGHT"-Xander, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Subject: Re: Anyone want to know who that was with Angle?
Date: Wed, Dec 31, 1997 3:12 PM
From: NuttyGrl14

Um, am I reading this correctly, Angel and Giles in bed together? Well, yes I'd say u need to get back to ur straight jacket. I broke out of mine and now I can't find it. Those damn little polka dotted elephants must have stolen it again! I'll get 'em though.


Subject: Re: Anyone want to know who that was with Angle?
Date: Wed, Dec 31, 1997 2:12 PM
From: Star 380

Angel and Giles? I never saw it coming. My world is all askew...

BTW, Fluf, thanks for telling us to let it go. If you hadn't added that in there, I would have had something to say, but now I don't. So I'll go now. Bye.

Until my next post,

Vice president of STSRASANDCAAB
Willow and Oz in '97/98
Pending Hanniganite
"People underestimate the value of a good ramble."
Subject: Re: Anyone want to know who that was with Angle?
Date: Wed, Dec 31, 1997 3:00 PM
From: Erin10584

<< Sorry Nick, can't agree with you there....Everyone knows Angel's in bed with Giles...(I told you he was the betrayer....) >>

Jess, Jess, Jess.I think you've finally spewed those ideas out too fast.But still, I'm with ya all the way.Giles has betrayed Buffy and Jenny.His college days are being relived.Look out world! The Ripper is back!

Missing Hawaii,
Subject: Re: Anyone want to know who that was with Angle?
Date: Thu, Jan 1, 1998 10:36 PM
From: Blettnerec

I Believe it is Buffy! I Believe it is not Giles! I Believe it is not Spike! I Believe that neither one of them would wear a nightgown! IBelieve I'm Done!

Subject: Re: Anyone want to know who that was with Angle?
Date: Fri, Jan 2, 1998 11:24 AM
From: Mzloril

Spike in a nightie? That is something I might need to see for myself Would Giles wear a tweed one?

Subject: Re: Anyone want to know who that was with Angle?
Date: Fri, Jan 2, 1998 11:53 AM
From: MelonJello


Definetely. With elbow patches.

"...Ask for some aspirin..."
Member of:
The Almighty Hanniganite Family
Willow and Oz in '97/98 Bandwagon
