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Alyson the Lurker?

Hell Aly might be reading this right now....

  What makes you think she'd still be here after some of the crazy stuff we put up?

Got a point, James. Aly was probably running in terror once she heard about the orgy posts. (Ty King was lurking at the boards then, you never know!)

I don't think she would have even got that far before running.  Between our rants and the general nuttiness around here, she wouldn't have made it to the orgy posts...
    Unless she went there first....

We know she uses the net....

So do millions of other people....  like the FBI

The Teenage FBI. (someone tell me why....)

Could she be subscribed to this list?

  Ask Natalie, she's the one that's supposed to be notified when someone joins the list.  Anyone on this list that isn't a Hanni?

Yep. Tons. Only I'm not being notified (thank you Onelist). Go to members and check out the profiles if you want. You have as much knowledge as I do about who's on the list. Alyson, you there?


   Ok, here's the plan.  We go find some of those Star Wars fanboys who figured out Episode One before even George Lucas himself did, and we tell them that Alyson might be in Episode Two, and that we think she might found hanging around the Hanniganite mailing list at Onelist.  If anyone can sniff anything out, it's a fanboy on the trail of a new Star Wars script.  The CIA could learn a few things from them....

