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Shab's Take on the Angel Promo

Subject: I just saw the adorablest Angel promo! - a happy ramble :)
Date: Tue, 17 August 1999 09:54 PM EDT
From: CresMoon55

Yes, I'm going to be talking about Angel/David and no, I don't care if it bothers you that I drool about him too much because I absolutely must ramble on the adorableness (adorabelness??) of the promo I just saw tonight at the end of Gingerbread (which was actually worth watching again just to see the promo and I hadn't seen this one yet so wow!) and I must say that I really regret having to go to India this summer and miss most of the Angel episodes boo hoo, but I've heard they have Buffy there (if they haven't cancelled it, if they do and they did cancel it I'm going to be p*ssed but anyway why I am posting this? oh yeah the promo!) And I use parentheses too damned much, but anyway what was I talking about again? Ah the promo, here's how it goes:

Angel and Cordy are at someplace in LA (which I lovingly refer to as "Angel Land"...yes because of David!) and anyway, Cordy says to Angel something like "So are you still like grrr?" (and she makes a mock vampire face) and he gives her this look.

Now in the look likes the humor, see I knew Angel wasn't just mood and brood! He gives Cordy such a classic look, I don't even know how to describe it exactly. It was something along the lines of a cross between a "Huh?" look and a "You've got to be kidding me" look w/a little bit of the "What can I expect? It's Cordelia!" look. So just imagine bits and pieces of those looks together combined in one look and left to simmer together in one look and you'll have THE LOOK (pardon the caps). I can't wait till the Angel show airs of course even if I'll only get to see two episodes of it (GRR!) but that's okay, it's going to be the funnest!! And this has been a long exciting energy-filled ramble so let me just say 2 things in conclusion:

1. the whole cast/crew of Angel rocks!!! and I miss Max Perlich
2. I need to lay off sugar

Why didn't I set my vcr to record the promos?? Wah!!

"There are 3 kinds of people that no one understands: genuises, madmen, and guys that mumble."

~ Whistler, line edited out of Becoming 1

~*~written by Joss Whedon~*~
