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Protecting Today's Youth...

Subject: brand new shiny bandwagon 'n stuff
Date: Sun, Dec 14, 1997 12:15 AM
From: WBSellOut

Okay. I have decided to found something that won't terrify the Baptists as much as TCUWACOGTALOC. So, with out further ado, I present to you:


Angle Awareness Foundation - Protecting Today's Youth From Angel's Evil Twin

As members of AAF, we are responsible for recognizing situations where there is potential Angel danger, and to educate the public about the dangers of Angle. Angle exists because of ignorance and apathy. If we can make the people understand the causes of Angle, we can wipe Angle out for good.

"You wanna go to the utility closet and make out?"
"God, is that ALL you ever think about? ...Okay."

Almighty Hanniganite
Founder of AAF - PTYFAET © 1997
Willow and Oz in 97/98 Bandwagon
