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The Real World

Subject: Buffy - The Real World
Date: Wed, Feb 25, 1998 12:59 AM
From: WBSellOut

The narrative aspect of "Passion" got me thinking, what if this episode was like "The Real World" on MTV? So here's a quick glimpse at what it would have been like if Angel in the "Real World" confessional.

Yeah, I used to be into Buffy. I mean, I guess I still am but things are different between us, now. She's always killing my friends and stuff. It's just not cool. And then she got her mom all involved, saying I was stalking her... yeah right! I even helped her mom pick up the fruit she dropped. Then Buffy goes and casts that spell, locking me out. What a CENSORED! Yeah, I killed Jenny, or Miss Calender or Janna Kalderash... whatever her name was. She was always leaving the milk on the sink and it pissed me off, so I killed her. Anyways, you don't know what my life is like with these people. Spike and I used to be cool, but now he's a whining little CENSORED. He's just mad because Dru thinks I'm hot, which I am, and he's stuck in that wheelchair [laughs]. So, anyways, now Buffy's trying to kill me, which sucks, because she kicks a lot and that hurts. I just hope this slaying thing is just a phase with her. So what if I draw pictures of her and her mom when they're asleep. Does no one appreciate good art?!

"But Ho Ho's are a vital part of my cognitive process!"

Slay the force be with you,
Freelance Spice
Almighty Hanniganite Family
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