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It took us this long to notice him...

Subject: That recurring character kid
Date: Wed, Jan 14, 1998 6:54 PM
From: NLW2218

Okay, after going to Domain of the Slain and seeing the cast list there, I saw that Jonathan, the same kid Ampata almost kissed and the hostage kid, was on again last night. I think he was the kid who was screaming in the hall and then stood up and was like, "Nothing." You know who I mean. His real name is Danny Strong, and he played Jonathan. I see recurring bit player here...

"Does Elvis talk to you?"
Proud Member of the Hanniganite Family
"People underestimate the value of a good ramble."
Subject: Re: That recurring character kid
Date: Wed, Jan 14, 1998 7:20 PM

Thanks for the info on that kid.

I'm still a little bitter

Almighty Hanniganite and Band Wagoner
Keeper of:
Buffy's inner moppet,
Willow's library
Kendra's plane ticket home
