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Ow, my Spleen!

Subject: Re: Spleen!
Date: Sat, Jan 29, 2000 6:39
From: W0W16

{{{{{{{{{{{{Kris's friend's spleen}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Hi, My name is Danielle and I'll be your waitress this evening.

Our special tonight is David Boreanaz and with a side order of Seth Green and Nicholas Brendon.

Subject: Re: Spleen!
Date: Fri, Feb 4, 2000 8:54 PM
From: N HaHa

Kris, I'm sorry for your friend. I'm sorry you laughed at her. I'm sorry I can't stop laughing histerically at this. :)

Definition of "irony": Nick dies of a spleen injury,

"Devoted to the Adorable"

"Buffy is a show by losers, for losers. Be PROUD. Losers rule."
-Joss Whedon

"I'm a loser."
-The Beatles

"Cut my toes off to spite my feet
I don't know whether to laugh or cry."
-Paul McCartney

Hanniganite President

Subject: Re: Spleen!
Date: Fri, Feb 4, 2000 9:10 PM
From: KDec90

Ah, Nick it's ok. I'm laughing "hysterically" too.

Unfortunately, She doesn't have anything wrong with her Spleen. *sigh*

Grand Duchess Kri-Am of the Planet Nitsirk


Subject: Re: Spleen!
Date: Fri, Feb 4, 2000 9:44 PM
From: N HaHa

<< Unfortunately, She doesn't have anything wrong with her Spleen. *sigh* >>

Damb! I mean, good for her. But bad for me use of the sword spleen. I mean now I'm just going to have to struggle to work it into conversation instead of talking about a friend of a friend's problems.

< sigh > More work for me,

"Devoted to the Adorable"

Subject: Re: Spleen!
Date: Sat, Feb 5, 2000 9:42 PM
From: Vampyre Necator

While we are on the spleen topic...the web site I work on has members from all over the world and a couple of them don't speak english all that well. Recently one of them was explaining someting and finished by saying "I hope this spleen helps." Of course I instantly thought of Nick :-)

sig wondering why the spleen feels helpful
Subject: Re: Spleen!
Date: Sun, Feb 6, 2000 11:50
From: N HaHa

My experience is that although spleens are very funny, they're not all that helpful. If they were, people would never get lost. :)

WIshing he remembered when and why he became obsessed with "spleen",

"Devoted to the Adorable"

"Buffy is a show by losers, for losers. Be PROUD. Losers rule."
-Joss Whedon

"I'm a loser."
-The Beatles

"Cut my toes off to spite my feet
I don't know whether to laugh or cry."
-Paul McCartney
Hanniganite President

Subject: Re: Spleen!
Date: Sun, Feb 6, 2000 8:03 PM
From: RikkiB1970

Spleen-> Organ in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen that acts as a reserve for blood and red blood cells. Also serves a function in the production of red blood cells.

Yep, it's pretty much like a reserve on the gas tank. Kicks in when supply gets low.


Willow->"You know how it is with a spanking new boyfriend." Anya->"Yes. We've enjoyed spanking."

_______________________________________________________ Subject: Re: Spleen!
Date: Mon, Feb 7, 2000 12:30 PM
From: Vampyre Necator

Is there much call for donating spleens? I'm an organ donor..maybe I should will mine to Nick...

"can we have your liver then?"

Subject: Re: Spleen!
Date: Mon, Feb 7, 2000 4:49 PM
From: N HaHa

<< Is there much call for donating spleens? I'm an organ donor..maybe I should will mine to Nick... >>

You know that online story about the people who knock you out, throw you in a bathtub full of ice and remove your kidney (which are false, in case anyone was wondering)? Well, if anyone starts one where the spleen replaces the kidney and sends it around, you'll get huge buddy points from me. Assuming you send it to me, that is. :)

Burt Reynolds had his spleen removed,

"Devoted to the Adorable"

"Buffy is a show by losers, for losers. Be PROUD. Losers rule."
-Joss Whedon
