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Subject: ~10 Ways to Know You're Angle~
Date: Sun, 26 April 1998 06:09 PM EDT
From: PrincssNat

In the spirit of 10 ways to know you think you're Angel, here's my version. =)

1. You have kleptomaniac tendancies toward peoples' posts.

2. You find yourself attracted to Willow's evil twin Williow.

3. You are obtuse.

4. You rival Zander in the who's hotter debate.

5. Your escape tactics rival Houdini.

6. Your plans to take over AOL (and then the world) always fail.

7. You wait constantly for a call from Nick. You are on his speed dial and all.

8. Evilness is second nature to you. Or maybe first nature.

9. Messing with AOL is a hobby of yours.

10. The idea of wearing a collar with a bell just doesnt appeal to you.

"How can you love an umpire? Everyone hates them!"
Proud Member of the Almight Hanniganite Family
WTIXC, APCL, ALA, OTA, etc. etc.
Parent of invisible child Willow Suzanne
Keeper of the right front hubcap of Oz's van
Guardian Angel of Sunshine and her sparky little soul
"I'm the good girl, Ashli's the bad girl, and Lindsey is the confused, loveable, obsessive one."
Abate in '98 (and some time after that)
David in Leather!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"In order to succeed you need to fail and fall down. It makes you a stronger person." -David Boreanaz
