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Viva La Subtext!

Subject: More Will and Tara 'n stuff Date: Tue, Feb 8, 2000 10:55 PM

From: WBSellOut

Okay, now back to our show:

So, Tara wants to give the Willster a big ol' expensive witch crystal thing, but Will won't take it because it's too important. But she's willing to get together and use it once in a while... just not that night, because she's supposed to meet the gang... but then the gang's pretty much "out to lunch" with their significant others, so Will shows up at Tara's door, even though it's "late".

And, apparently, Will didn't come home that night. Uh huh.

Slay the force be with you,

Karyn - AHF VP

Almighty Jester One

Certified member - The Faith Lovers of America

