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Who is Alyson Hannigan?

Subject: Who's Alyson Hannigan?
Date: Tue, Jul 14, 1998 9:43 PM

Who is Alyson Hannigan, and why do you like her so much?

Subject: Re: Who's Alyson Hannigan?
Date: Wed, Jul 15, 1998 3:59 AM
From: WBSellOut


She's a waitress at a diner in Bound Brook, NJ. See, at one time or another, we've all been seated in her section and she is simply "the world's greatest waitress", so we thought we'd pay homage to her for all the free coffee and stuff. There's also a really talented and adorable girl with the same name that plays Willow on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer".

Slay the force be with you,


in the basement

The Greek Alliance

The Almighty Jester One


Visit the Almighty Hanniganite Family home page:
Subject: Re: Who's Alyson Hannigan?
Date: Wed, Jul 15, 1998 4:49 AM

yes what a wonderful waitress she is : ) she always brings me extra syrup for my pancakes and knows i dont take a straw with my juice there is always a wait to be seated in her section.... geesh person who never heard of Willow guess you dont get out much huh?

"I'm a rebel"-Willow
"Let's see what's on TV"-Spike
member of nothing as of now but maybe when I've been around the board longer
keeper of nothing as well
but I am a proud fan of BTVS : )
Subject: Re: Who's Alyson Hannigan?
Date: Wed, Jul 15, 1998 2:33 PM
From: Genesis51

Wait..u mean there's an actress with the same name as our beloved waitress? I personally am in the club because I LOVE my waitress...she always know what to get me without me even asking. Are there people in the club because of that Willow chic? Hmm...weird, and I thought the waitress was the only Aly hannigan around...Ya never know, huh?

"I may be dead, but I'm still pretty. Which is more than I can say for you"- Buffy "Prophecy Girl"
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Sid, don't blame the movies. Movies don't create psychos, movies just make psychos more creative!"-Billy "Scream"
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Official Executioner Official Luantic
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Owner of the evil Scott Hamster
Owner of the Erin Hamster
Owner of the Steph hamster
Owner of the Lauren Hamster
Owner of the Lauren Biirdie
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Proud Member of:
the Almighty HanniganitesWTIXCAPCLWLSFOAUBC
And about every other club on the boards
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Proud keeper of Willow's:
Willow's Preference of the modern day over the pastHolding pattern with OzConcern for Oz, even as a Werewolf
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Those asteroids that hit this morning--those were nothing--the size of basketballs and Volkswagens. This new one we're tracking is the size of Texas, Mr. President. It's what we call a global killer... the end of mankind. Half the world will be incinerated by the heat blast, the rest will freeze to death in a nuclear winter. Basically, the worst part of the Bible." -NASA's executive director, Dan Truman.
"American components, Russian Components, all made in Taiwan!!" -Lev Andropov
"It's all fun and games until someone gets shot in the leg!"-AJ Frost
Quotes from Armageddon
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And that's the bottom line,cuz Stone Cold said so! Austin 3:16

Subject: Re: Who's Alyson Hannigan?
Date: Wed, Jul 15, 1998 3:19 PM

I'll freely admit that I'm here due to the Willowy Willow chic. But That waitress is the abslolute best. She makes the best coffee I've ever had. And I should know I worked for a coffee shop who specialized in it's coffee history. Just call me the coffee queen, baby! You know. I think we should contact The willow chic and let her know about this waitress. Maybe the were twins in a former life. They do look an aweful lot alike..just a thought.


Subject: Re: Who's Alyson Hannigan?
Date: Wed, Jul 15, 1998 9:13 PM
From: WBSellOut

I was at the diner today, and I told Alyson about how there was the "Willow" Alyson. She almost dropped the coffee, but being the World's Greatest Waitress, she caught it right before it hit the floor, without spilling a drop.

Slay the force be with you,


in the basement

The Greek Alliance

The Almighty Jester One


Visit the Almighty Hanniganite Family home page:
Subject: Re: Who's Alyson Hannigan?
Date: Wed, Jul 15, 1998 10:14 PM
From: AngelNEves

I frequent the diner a lot and there are several things that, to me, make Alyson an outstanding waitress above all the rest..
Well, for one thing, when the cops come in for their morning fix, Alyson always gives them their own prepared selection of little powdered doughnuts...and for free! Now what other waitress would do that?
And of course, for the couples in love, she always make sure they have ice cream.
Ok, well, when I try to practice my Latin...which, is okay, never since I don't...ok, well anyway, she never ceases to correct me when I look at her with blank eyes filled with question marks and ask her "Carpe Diem?" Then there's the time when she always throws me some kind of fruit when I need one.
Oh, and let's not forget the relief I get to see on the menu that there isn't "Frog's Legs" listed there....::wipes brow::
And finally, yes, when I'm sitting all alone, she usually takes the time out...and gives me the life lesson of the day..three days ago it was about coffee, a week ago it was about pens...and a week and a half ago it was sore thumbs that stick out...

0:6, I always say!

'I do not babble, I occasionally run-on and every now and then I yammer--"

--} Hanni-gram birthday coordinator -{
Grape Feeder/Taster of the kingdom
Hamster sitter, Hap's kitty, Listmaker
Always carrying the Hanniganite All-Purpose Bucket
Wearer of the invisible Hanniganite T-shirt
Hanniganite, APCL, WTIXC, ALA member
Subject: Re: Who's Alyson Hannigan?
Date: Thu, Jul 16, 1998 12:03 AM

yes this is very interesting two Alyson's? wow! now i guess ill have to be the fan of the 2 Alyson Hannigan's : ) and btw i went into the diner again today (it was a 2hr wait but its worth it ofcourse) i got my extra syrup (blueberry yum) and no straw with my apple juice even though she is perplexed with this new knowledge of another Alyson it doesnt even seem to fase her! she the same wonderful waitress she ever was i am in awe : )

"I'm a rebel"-Willow
"Let's see what's on TV"-Spike
"Life is short"-Buffy
member of- HOWLS

Subject: Re: Who's Alyson Hannigan?
Date: Wed, Jul 15, 1998 10:10 PM
From: Btvsfetish

I am also here cause of Willow, but Aly is a great waitress. Once, I got my wallet stolen, and she wouldn't let anyone leave until she found the thief. Then she held him, face in the ground, until the police came. Now thats what i call waitress of the year!

~Melissa~ ( I love my roomies in the Hannipenthouse! Krusty, Sheep girl, Nicky!)
Proud member of: Almighty Hanniganite Family, WTIXC, APLC, NSOAS Newsletter, SLayer Weekly, GFC
" Great, just what my reputation needs. That I did it with the entire swim team"~Buffy
"Umm, Angel, if I say something you really don't want to hear, do you promise not to bite me?"~Willow
"Jealous.....of Rogaine boy?"~Xander
"Not feeling well lover?"~Angel
"How about because you're tiny impotent nazi with a bug up your butt the size of an emu?"~Cordelia
"You are quite the human"~Oz
"A vampire in love with a slayer. It's rather poetic....."~ Giles
"Your face is a poem......I can read it."~Drusilla
"It's a big rock. I can't wait to tell my friends. They don't have a rock this big!"~Spike
Non Buffy Keeper:
Ben Affleck~ Sharing that tasty morsel with Kim
Jensen Ackles~ sharing that God Ali

Subject: Re: Who's Alyson Hannigan?
Date: Thu, Jul 16, 1998 10:54 PM
From: AkaAlyToo

I'm working at which diner? Where?

Faithful Hanniganite Family Member
Secretary of OTA
Keeper of Ted's remaining parts.
(We can rebuild him. We have the technology. OOPS, wrong show.)

Subject: Re: Who's Alyson Hannigan?
Date: Sat, Jul 18, 1998 2:44 AM
From: Mupetluvr

Must say, gotta go with the diner bit.... She always seems to know when I'm in a one marshmellow or 2 mood for my hot chocolate!!!

MUPET (The Confuddled One)
The one who lives on the 42nd floor (the one between 23 & 25)

Keeper of that little spot in the back of every room that no one ever seems to pay attention to, (not that I do either, I just seem to be in charge of it.)

Subject: Re: Who's Alyson Hannigan?
Date: Sat, Jul 18, 1998 7:08 AM
From: SCPandich

What I think is really great is that she's on her feet 8, 10 hours a day waiting on customers, and I've never heard her complain once. Incredible.
