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Subject: assorted bandwagons 'n stuff
Date: Wed, Dec 10, 1997 9:41 PM
From: WBSellOut

Okay, so I have decided that TCUXACOGTALOC has fulfilled it's purpose and am now officially disbanding the bandwagon to make room for something new... and in my searching for new subtext, I have found something to build a bandwagon about (and I KNOW this one's not gonna happen right after I establish the freakin' bandwagon).

I present to you, the latest in Buffy bandwagons -

The Completely Unnecessary Willow And Cordy Oughta Get Together At Least Once Campaign

Yeah, I'm going out on a limb, here... reaching... really reaching... but hey!

Official webpage coming soon.

"You wanna go to the utility closet and make out?"
"God, is that ALL you ever think about? ...Okay."

Almighty Hanniganite
Founder of the experimental TCUWACOGTALOC ©1997
Willow and Oz in 97/98 Bandwagon
Subject: Re: assorted bandwagons 'n stuff
Date: Wed, Dec 10, 1997 11:47 PM

*Warning: Extreme Sarcasm sighting in the neighborhood!

Okay, you've heard this, but I will publicly, with some oppossition from within, lightly step up onto your bandwagon. I too think it may be a lost cause, but I'm just along for the ride. And I think it would be very funny ha-ha ( oh, and queer) (and a bit TV-M) if you could download THOSE pics on your TCUWACOGTALOC page.

Someone who really needs to "go away now" and study for finals.
Proud Card Carrying Hanniganite
Keeper of:
Buffy's inner moppet,
Willow's "library",
Kendra's ticket back home.
Subject: Re: assorted bandwagons 'n stuff
Date: Thu, Dec 11, 1997 2:37 AM

Karyn, you scare me... But, hey, count me in.....we could all use a queer laugh (no pun intended). But don't disban TCUXACOGTALOC. If you keep it up who knows what great heights it could reach. I'll take it over if you don't want it..TCUXACOGTALOC and TCUWACOGTALOC...MAY THEY LIVE ON FOREVER!

keeper of:
the tarot cards
Willow's upgrades
Xander's utility closet
Cordy's dinner at Bucky's Fondue Hut
"I...have my own fun."
"Oh, so that's what that song is about!"
member and nick's helper of the:
card carrying member of:
Subject: Re: assorted bandwagons 'n stuff
Date: Thu, Dec 11, 1997 5:05 PM
From: WBSellOut

::Doing a Xander-Dance:: I have a following... I have a following...

"You wanna go to the utility closet and make out?"
"God, is that ALL you ever think about? ...Okay."
Almighty Hanniganite
Founder of the experimental TCUWACOGTALOC ©1997
Willow and Oz in 97/98 Bandwagon
Subject: Re: assorted bandwagons 'n stuff
Date: Thu, Dec 11, 1997 6:36 PM
From: N HaHa

Okay, I'll go along with this one... as long as you eventually start TCNWANOGTALOC- The Completely Necessary Willow And Nick Oughta Get Together At Least Once Campaign. Or at least start a webpage about The Almighty Hanniganite Family. Your choice (the first one, please!!!).

"Devoted to the Adorable"
The Amazing Mr. Cross ->Y´
Founder of:
WILLOW & OZ IN '97/98
The Almighty NICKname Campaign
Proud member of:
membership director and member of the
The Almighty Hanniganite Family
Subject: Re: assorted bandwagons 'n stuff
Date: Thu, Dec 11, 1997 9:34 PM
From: Rikki1970

....ummmmm..what's next.. The Completely Unofficial Giles, Xander and Angel Should Have a Love Triangle At Least Once Campaign? sarcasm intended, just wanted to get the scoop on what the next one will be. :)

