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Williow and Angle in 97/98

Subject: Re: To find out who was in bed with angle,click here!!
Date: Tue, Dec 30, 1997 6:43 PM
From: MelonJello

Buffy in bed with ANGLE??? No, sir I beg to differ. Buffy would sleep with ANGEL but never ANGLE....Unless, that's the suprise.......

Hmm...without even knowing it, a simple typo revealed the whole situation to us....
(I'm gonna go back to my corner now...)

"...Ask for some aspirin..."
Member of:
The Almighty Hanniganite Family
Willow and Oz in '97/98 Bandwagon
Subject: Re: To find out who was in bed with angle,click here!!
Date: Wed, Dec 31, 1997 1:54 PM
From: Star 380

1 : a corner whether constituting a projecting part or a partially enclosed space

2 a : the figure formed by two lines extending from the same point; also : DIHEDRAL ANGLE

b : a measure of an angle or of the amount of turning necessary to bring one line or plane into coincidence with or parallel to another

3 a : the precise viewpoint from which something is observed or considered; also : the aspect seen from such an angle

b (1) : a special approach, point of attack, or technique for accomplishing an objective

(2) : an often improper or illicit method of obtaining advantage

4 : a sharply divergent course

5 : a position to the side of an opponent in football from which a player may block his opponent more effectively or without penalty -- usu. used in the phrases get an angle or have an angle >

I believe we forgot something:

6. Angel's evil twin, alias the Almighty Evil One, alias the Almighty Obtuse One

Ah.... I feel better now. BTW, if we're all so worried about Angle taking over, does this mean we might get to see him in this episode? Ooh, I'm wondering. I don't feel better anymore.

Vice president of STSRASANDCAAB
Willow and Oz in '97/98
Pending Hanniganite
"People underestimate the value of a good ramble."
Subject: Re: To find out who was in bed with angle,click here!!
Date: Thu, Jan 1, 1998 1:16 AM
From: N HaHa


As the Membership Director of the Almighty Hanniganite Family and the founder of WILLOW & OZ IN '97/'98, I feel inclined to say, "Wrong." She has Oz. That's all I'm going to say.

So I lied. It's time to make fun of spelling mistakes. Who's the desperate and what did he/ she win?

"Devoted to the Adorable"

Subject: Re: To find out who was in bed with angle,click here!!
Date: Fri, Jan 2, 1998 8:32 AM
From: WBSellOut

<< <>

As the Membership Director of the Almighty Hanniganite Family and the founder of WILLOW & OZ IN '97/'98, I feel inclined to say, "Wrong." She has Oz. That's all I'm going to say.>>

Nick, it's okay because it was Williow, not Willow. However, I would be more willing to bet that Williow would be getting with Angle, rather than Angel.

"You jump, I jump."

Almighty Hanniganite
Founder of AAF - PTYFAET © 1997
Willow and Oz in 97/98 Bandwagon
Subject: Re: To find out who was in bed with angle,click here!!
Date: Fri, Jan 2, 1998 11:22 AM
From: N HaHa

Oh, I guess Willow's evil twin tricked me. Thanks for pointing that out, Karyn. Hey, how about WILLIOW & ANGLE IN 98? No? It would probably be better not founding it. Unless I get some support...

Oh, and I did mean to say WILLIOW & ANGLE. It'll get his mind off of trying to control our board.

"Devoted to the Adorable"
