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Xander vs. Angel

Subject: a little bit 'o fun 'n stuff
Date: Sat, Nov 8, 1997 7:36 PM
From: CordyChase

okay. i thought we could use a little excitement on the boards. how about a little game of "xander vs angel"? it's quite simple... just list seven (yes, seven) reasons why you think xander or angel is the better man (however, things such as "because he is SO fine, hot, cute, etc." are NOT allowed... because that's what we all hear anyways. remember this is only for fun (and to pass the time until monday night), so nobody get offended... so, let the games begin!

Seven reasons why XANDER is better than ANGEL
1. His name is cooler.
2. He has that cool green mushroom shirt.
3. He's not dead.
4. His sense and frequent use of blatant, as well as, subtle sarcasm.
5. The boy knows how to eat a Twinkie.
6. He has no shame.
7. His room isn't freakishly immaculate.

"sure thing, bossy the cow"
slay the force be with you...
Subject: Re: a little bit 'o fun 'n stuff
Date: Sat, Nov 8, 1997 10:21 PM
From: Sugarbop13

Angel is the better man because...

1. Older therefore more mature.
2. Would protect me if we were attacked by vampires in a dark alley.
3. Won't die on me unless Staked through the heart, (not likely)
4. He has a good sense of style.
5. He's got a game face that's wicked cool looking.
6. He doesn't get a happy when Xander doing something wrong.
7. Looks out for Buffy at all costs. He would probably give his life for her.
Subject: Re: a little bit 'o fun 'n stuff
Date: Sat, Nov 8, 1997 10:42 PM
From: Erin10584

I like Xander better cause...

1.He won't find an interest in my neck
2.We could watch the sunset together
3.He's very funny
4.If I stake him, he won't turn into the leftovers of my fireplace
5.When i grow old and die, he'll grow old and die too
6.He eats regular food
7.He looks good in colors other than black

I have too many thoughts...
Subject: Re: a little bit 'o fun 'n stuff
Date: Sun, Nov 9, 1997 12:19 AM
From: MelonJello

Ooh, fun thread....(and much more intelligent than the other "Angel" thread going on.)

Xander is the better man because....

1. He's not afraid to show his feminine side
2. And to add to #1, damn, he looks good in a bra
3. When holding hands, they would not be cold (You're not wrong)
4. You could take him to a lumber yard without incident.
5. Ditto for a blood bank
6. You gotta love any guy who can stuff a whole twinkie in his mouth
7. Cause he's just got the coolest name!:)
8. He made an extremely convincing Rambo (Xambo!)
9. He actually *has* a sense of humor.
10. He's alive! (Unlike "dead boy")

Loving this thread,
"Angel was in your bedroom?!"--Xander
"Ours is a forbidden love..."--Willow
Subject: Re: a little bit 'o fun 'n stuff
Date: Sun, Nov 9, 1997 3:32 AM

Why Angel is better than Xander:

* He's never gonna die, so that will never be an excuse for cancelling a date.
* He has been around for over two centuries, so he can help Buffy out with History.
* He is the guy you want to party with (Xander's own words).
* He can run MUCH faster than Xander, that will help when they're racing after Buffy.
* His Brooding skills are excellent (He perfected them for 100+ years). That could be useful when he wants Buffy to know how much he cares for her.
* He can easily open pesty bag of chips with one swift BITE.
* He has no breath, so bad breath won't be a problem when Buffy and He kiss.
* He looks great in colors and Black ,so he can easily assimilate his wardrobe for any season.

Subject: Re: a little bit 'o fun 'n stuff
Date: Mon, Nov 10, 1997 10:55 PM
From: Wheetzie

Yipes I wish I could add to this....
Xander is better that Angel because....

1) He's not old enough to be your father, (let alone great great grandfather)
2) He'd never be the type of guy to sit around a cultivate his brooding skills, but rather he'd work on his witty retorts, (which are much more amusing in the long run)
3) Whenever you went dancing you'd feel superior in the co-ordination department
4) He'd love you just because you weren't a Praying Mantis
5) He wouldn't stay young and pretty while you got old and shriveled and wrinkly
6) You wouldn't have to worry about all sorts of nasty people popping up from his past
7) He has a sunny dispostition that matches his complexion
Subject: Re: a little bit 'o fun 'n stuff
Date: Fri, Nov 21, 1997 12:01 PM

Angel is better than Xander because...

--He looks good w/o a tan.
--He's always on the look out for his woman
--He's as wise as an 800 year old midget creature from the Dagobat system.
--He doesn't have to go to school and answer to Principal Snyder
--Ever see that face he makes when he's sad? couldn't you just take him in your arms and love him forever?
--He's a good vampire. Now how many of those do you see lying around?
--Despite the fact that she was destined to kill his type, he loves her anyways.

~*~ Fallen Angel~*~
