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Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to my FAQ page. Here I can answer many questions about politics and myself. Please feel free to submit your questions and I will address them here.

These are the questions I receive most often. The answers follow.

1. Why did you get involved in the secure borders/anti-illegal immigration issue?

Well, I was originally on the opposite side of the issue. Being as young as I was at the time, I was seeing things as a color/race issue, and lacked the experience to understand the legal and economic impact that was taking place in 1994 dollars. Since then, I've learned it's not a race issue. Yes, for some it is, but not others. The fact is that the reason we have seen this problem worsen to the current crisis is that our politicians are hellbent on assisting the breakdown of US Sovereignty. In fact, both parties political leaders have betrayed America and the blood spilled by our soldiers in defense of our nation. The Feds refuse to reimburse the States, while the corporations put profits over safety, many unions want to build their member rolls, and others still "reconquista." It's not 1850 anymore, it's 2005. As such, get with the current time. If people really want to help the impoverished people of Mexico (and elsewhere), how about demanding economic, humanitarian, political, and social reforms and if that offending government refuses, than impose and maintain sanctions until they do. Handouts placed on the backs of US taxpayers does not cut it. Most illegal immigrants want a better way of life, within their own nation, and don't even assimilate into the culture here, let alone leave their families for dangerous journeys. However, our gov't panders and in the process has betrayed America. How many more 9-11s will it take? How many more American lives will be lost? How many more hospitals/ERs must be closed? How many more Americans will be without jobs? So when you ask me why, it's simple, members of the Armed Forces are dying in defense of our nation, and our Border Patrol Agents are doing all they can to protect our country, I owe it to those sacrificing their lives, and most importantly to my own family to do all I can to protect our nation and try to maintain some form of what President Reagan called, "that shining city on a hill." (More at

2. Did you leave college to run for State Assembly?

I became a candidate for public office in response to the State Fee Increases during bad budget and fiscal times in the early 1990's. As was published eight years ago by several newspapers, "raising fees ends up turning students away. College students should not have to pay for politicians and bureaucrats mistakes. I believe in more classroom selections instead of larger administrations, or greater executive salaries. Pay the teachers and school employees more money, not Chancellors and Presidents. Lets get more money into the classrooms, instead of bureaucrats at administrative levels."

3. Have your ever run for or held political office?

Yes, In 1994, I was Nominated for the office of Member of the California State Assembly at age 26 by the Democratic Party. I was also elected as Chairman of the California Democratic Party, 60th Assembly District, at age 25. I was the youngest in California political history to hold that position. For more info check out my news clips page.

4. What is your political party?

I am a Republican. To see why I registered from Democrat to the GOP check out my press clippings page for the story.

5. What issues do you believe in?

I believe in less government. I have authored an overhaul of the State Constitution and reforms of the CA State Legislature and budget process. I am an advocate of the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution. I am in favor of the death penalty. We need a government that is accountable to the taxpayers.

6. Have you written any laws?

In 1995 I authored the California Legislative Reform Act. It was later introduced by CA State Senator as Senate Constitutional Amendment 31 in 1996. I also authored the California Public Accountability Amendment (CALPAC)which was submitted as Initiative 794 at the CA Secretary of State's office. For more information click on the link.

7. What does it take to run for political office?

More than anything else it takes money. Most politicians that hold major office have to show the ability to write the big check. Having the ability to raise money is what they say you need. But since the viability of a candidate is determined by the State and National leaders, that is nonsense. The leaders of the State and Congress determines who gets what money donated by the big donors.

8. What is the biggest problem in politics?

The two biggest problems are not even voter apathy. They are money and lack of accountability. Lobbyists can give money based on who the legislative or political leadership advises them to support. You eliminate this by banning any money that can come outside of a district. Make it so that only personal money is acceptable, not business or PAC money. The other problem is lack of accountability. Political leaders live like Kings and Queens, and as Bill Clinton proved, they are above the law.

9. Why did you get involved in politics?

To bring accountability to politics and more humanity. Health care and the decline of education are two of the biggest problems affecting society. Yet, Congress and political leaders are doing little but paying the public lip service.

10. How can I get involved in politics?

Research the positions, get to know the issues of your community and regions. Decide if your family can handle the stress. Do you have the money available? Are you willing to stand up for your beliefs and principles? Than look locally first. If you need further assistance, contact me. I have been through the nastiest battles in California, and can give you advice based on real experience.

11. Who are your political heroes?

My heroes are founding father Thomas Jefferson who wrote many of the documents that our nation was built on, including the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. He was our 3rd President. Another hero is Abraham Lincoln. He brought our nation forward and ended slavery and his statements, like Jefferson's contain wisdom sorely needed today. The Emancipation Proclamation remains one our greatest statements. Lincoln was our 16th President. What would the world be today without Ronald Reagan. Truly the great communicator and liberator. He restored America's pride. They are among societies greatest leaders.

12. What is your favorite quote?

The late US Senator Robert F. Kennedy often said, "Some men see things as they are and say, Why. I dream of things that never were and say, Why not."

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