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The Angel Love Foundation

The Angel Love Foundation - California Non-Profit - Community Services, Retreat Centers, Urban Renewal, Holistic Lifestyles, Fundraising - 415.289.2213
The Angel Love Foundation

...Bringing YOU the healing LOVE of the Angelic Realm...

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You are opening up to the love, guidance, and assistance of the angelic realm. Take a moment to breathe, feel, and relax deeper into your being.

Awaken your heart, your mind, your body, and your soul.
"I live my life as a prayer of gratitude for all that has been given and all that I may enjoy!"

There are many Angels who are delighted to assist you! All you have to do is ask...! As I write this, I am feeling the soft, pink glow of my heart, and the angelic realm that I invite around me, everyday, to guide, protect, and nurture me. I have created a sanctuary to nourish my being as I take on the tasks of my life. Take a moment to feel aligned with the Divine.

Angel Lesson #2:
"In the Oneness are many."

Here is a long list of angels and their area of expertise. Yes, Angels have their area of focus, and we are wise to gain the clarity we need to move our consciousness in a productive direction. This list is filled with Biblical names and others recognized as some of the Angels that only await our requests.

Part One: What are the names of Angels that may help me, as well as their specialty?

Of course, we must first mention that you have a few angels dedicated to your spiritual growth and evolution. We are born with a Guardian Angel, as well as a Spiritual Guidance Counselor Angel, and others. However, sometimes, we may feel drawn to other Angels who have studied a particular area of endeavor.


Chamuel (Love & adoration)

Gabriel (messenger)

Jophiel (creative power)

Michael (miracles & protection)

Raphael (healing)

Uriel (ministration)

Zadkiel (prayer)

- A -

Abdiel (faith)

Adnachiel (independence)

Afriel (youth)

Ambriel (communications)

Anael (romantic Love)

Anahita (fertility)

Anauel (prosperity)

Ananchel (Grace)

Ariel (nature)

Armaita (truth)

Asmodel (patience)

- B -

Baglis (moderation)

Balthial (forgiveness)

Barakiel (Good fortune)

Barbelo (Goodness)

Barchiel (compassion)

Bath Kol (prophecy)

- C -

Camael (joy)

Cassiel (temperance)

Cathetel (nature)

Chamuel (tolerance/Love)

Charmeine (harmony)

Charoum (silence)

Cherubim (wisdom)

Colopatiron (liberation)

- D -

Dina (learning)

- E -

Ecanus (writers)

Elemiah (inward journeys)

Elijah (innocence)

- F -

Forfax (astronomy)

- G -

Gabriel (messenger)

Galgaliel (vibration)

Gavreel (peace)

Gazardiel (new beginnings)

Guardian Angels (special angels)

- H -

Haamiah (integrity)

Hadraniel (Love)

Hael (kindness)

Hamael (dignity)

Hamaliel (logic)

Hamied (miracles)

Haniel (harmonious Love)

Harahel (knowledge)

Hayyel (wild animals)

- I -

Iahhel (meditation)

Iofiel (beauty)

Isda (nourishment)

Israfel (song)

- J -

Jamaerah (manifestation)

Jehoel (presence)

Jophiel (creative power)

- K -

Kaeylarae (peace)

Kakabel (moon)

Kutiel (water)

- L -

Lailah (conception)

Liwet (inventions)

- M -

Maion (self-discipline)

Malahidael (courage)

Manakel (oceans)

Melchizedek (peace)

Metatron (thought)

Micah (Divine plan)

Michael (miracles)

Mihael (loyalty)

Mihr (friendship)

Mumiah (longevity)

Muriel (emotions)

- N -

Nathaniel (fire)

Nemamiah (just causes)

Nisroc (freedom)

- O -

Omniel (Oneness)

Ongkanon (communication)

Ooniemme (gratitude)

Orifiel (forests)

- P -

Paschar (vision)

Perpetiel (success)

- Q -

Qaphsiel (moon)

Queen of Angels (regina angelium)

- R -

Raguel (Faith)

Rampel (endurance, strength)

Raphael (healing, Love, creativity)

Rashnu (judgment, tolerance)

Raziel (mysteries, the unknown)

Rehael (self-respect)

Remliel (spiritual awakening)

Rhamiel (empathy, caring)

- S -

Sachael (purity, clarity)

Samandiriel (imagination, visualization)

Sandalphon (power)

Sariel (guidance)

Shekinah (unity)

Shemael (gratitude)

Shushienae (purity)

Sofiel (nature)

Soqed Hozi (partnership)

Sraosha (obedience)

- T -

Tabbris (self-determination)

Taharial (purification)

Trgiaob (wild birds)

- U -

Uriel (creativity)

Urim (Light)

Uzziel (Faith)

- V -

Valoel (peace)

Verchiel (affection)

Vohamanah (optimism)

- W -

Wisdom (creation)

- X -

- Y -

- Z -

Zacharael (surrender)

Zadkiel (prayer)

Zagzagel (wisdom)

Zuphlas (trees)

Zuriel (harmony)

Part Two: What are some prayers that I can say to ask for help from the Angels?

Dear Sweet Angel, please hear my request and assist me. I see myself immediately restored to my optimum health and vitality. May my body, mind, heart, and soul, my entire being, be One with the Divine, and filled with pure Love and Light. Angels, please help all my organs, bones, blood, and all bodily functions continue in perfect harmony with my deepest Joy.

Dear Angel of Love, bring to me my True Beloved, the best mate for my journey through this life. May I recognize and nurture this relationship with grace and dignity. Help me first love my self with the unconditional support that I want from others and want to give to others. I am Love incarnate, and I am a clear channel for Love to fill my life.

Dear Angels of Wealth and Prosperity, help me recognize the opportunities that will gracefully lead me to a dignified experience of wealth and prosperity. I see money as an expression of Divine Love in my life and welcome its abundant flow into my life immediately. Angels, please help me succeed with my heart's desires and grow in wisdom and prosperity to initiate, grow, and maintain an abundance of wealth in my everyday life.

Dear Angels, please hear this prayer. Please help me and all concerned to accomplish this task. I/We need your help to:

I live in Your Light, Divine Creator, and marvel at the infinite nature of your pure Love.

*With so many resources and ideas, please bookmark this site now for future reference.


Please contact us to enroll in our Angel Lessons program which will give you another Angel Lesson each week or month, as you desire. You can also contact us for prayer requests and we will pray for you & your loved ones. Additionally, you may want to activate your inner aliveness with periodic transformational classes, workshops, consultations, retreats, and on-going coaching-by-phone. To request a full consultation, contact us...

You'll be so glad you did!

Much love to your precious hearts,

Teresa Ann Foxworthy
Director & Founder
The Angel Love Foundation
USA Tel: 415.289.2213
Email : tfoxworthy @

c 1992-2010 Teresa Ann Foxworthy. All rights reserved. 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888