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Angel Love Foundation

Angel Love Foundation - Emotional Healing & Spiritual Development -415.289.2213
Angel Love Foundation

...Bringing YOU the healing LOVE of the Angelic Realm...

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The Angel Love Foundation was founded in San Rafael, California on June 22, 1992 as a non-profit organization dedicated to created Heaven on Earth with urban renewal projects, mental health programs, and other nurturing for people and the planet. We have been serving the Northern California community for over 20 years, with some expansion into San Diego County, CA & Baltimore County, MD. We are in the process of renewing our non-profit status under the auspices of our parent company, AXIS CARE GROUP, & welcome your support. By assisting individuals and groups with emotional relief and spiritual development through a variety of transformational tools and techniques, we grow stronger communities of able leadership and collaboration.

Our vision is to support our community services with the funds we get from donations & the products & services we offer to the public. Employing ancient traditions, and combining them with contemporary techniques, produces amazing results under the right conditions. They helped me go from being bedridden to reclaiming the vitality of my body and leading a joyful life. I began coaching others and realized how many, like myself, couldn't afford these services, or didn't even know they existed.

Similarly, the planet's ecological issues seem to go hand-in-hand, because we need clear thinking people to address the decisions made by a few which affect so many. We have an incredible opportunity to create healthy communities around the world using these wonderful techniques for planetary and personal evolution.

We welcome you to join us! Heal yourself and then support the healing and well-being of others everywhere. Care for you neighborhood, and you care for the planet. Creating Heaven on Earth! Review our projects and then make a donation or get the support you need.

Much love to your precious hearts,

Teresa Ann Foxworthy
Director & Founder
The Angel Love Foundation
USA Tel: 415.289.2213
Email : tfoxworthy @

c 1992-2010 Teresa Ann Foxworthy. All rights reserved. 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888