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DAKINI LOVE Int'l. Workshops, Retreats & Tours

PERSONAL GROWTH RETREATS & TRAVEL TOURS by Dakini Love, Int'l. - 415 339 8131
POB 151633
San Rafael, CA 94915 USA
415 . 339 . 8131

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DAKINI LOVE Int'l. has targeted various locations for its workshops and retreats. These destinations are chosen based on their ability to facilitate subtle learning or because they offer information on emotional and spiritual development to such a large audience .

You will be excited when you discover how many ways there are to travel and learn or relax at the same time!! First you will want to learn about the sacred relationship potential between luminous goddesses and awakened warriors with the PATH TO THE BELOVED workshops. These events are helping women to deepen the essence of their femininity and men focus on the mission that strengthens their masculinity. Workshops are coming to Ashville, Atlanta, Baltimore, Bali, Byron Bay, Honolulu, Kihei, Los Angeles and beyond...

Creating community around this new paradigm of commmitted sacred relationships is key to developing the awareness and skills for personal and mutual success in this area. Made popular now by David Deida's enriching books, this idea of cultivating and refining our feminine and masculine essences is not new but doing so within a spiritual context takes Venus and Mars thinking to the next evolutionary leap...

Other key retreats include: Personal Empowerment Training that dissolves the emotional distress blocking our clear and focused thinking. Led by a Personal Life Coach and Mental Health Counselor with over twelve years experience, this retreat with help you identify the old hurts that continue to hold you back from making your life work for you. The emotional body needs to vibrate in a safe space to release the distress patterns that limit our creative thinking and effective problem-solving. The goal is complete re-emergence with the zest of a kindergartener and the genius of an Einstein! Can you imagine that? Come and find out!

Feng Shui Techniques for Health, Love and Success is a very popular subject that has been simplified by Lillian Too and now can be discussed at length with you by a professional feng shui consultant with twenty years experience with this type of chi energy work. The key is interpolating the diverse factors that go into creating a harmonious environment that aligns our life force with the divine presence of the universe. Sounds awesome? It is!

There's more...

Then, how about a tour of fragrant gardens around the world where butterflies bring magic... or learn about your astrological profile and clearing your aura or while exploring the power spots on the planet... maybe you'd prefer a more nurturing space to do some emotional releasing...followed by a walk to some pink tropical beach...or maybe the sweet aromatherapy sessions harken you to the international areas where fields of herb, resin and flower flourish...then there's always expressive arts to coax your inner self to the fore...but my personal favorite is of course the deluxe spa tour for those who are ready for some elegant pampering!

When inquiring, specify which location and which workshops you are interested in ...or let us know if you'd like us to hold a workshop in your town or for your group or organization! --

or CALL us in California :
(415) 339 8131


c 2003 New Millennium Consulting