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NEW MILLENNIUM ENTERPRISES offers a variety of rejuvenating services to help you reclaim your radiance to feel serene and empowered. Discover your soul's capacity for joy, learn or rethink your life's purpose, awaken your body to vibrant living. If you want personal guidance, life coaching, feng shui, astrology, aromatherapy, gemstone magic, workshops or classes, or other tools for self-discovery and personal growth, you've come to the right place!
Explore the possibilities...

For any of the following SERVICES, call: 415 339 8131

Dakini Love Int'l. Retreats
Gemstone Magic Power Object Design
Fragrant Gardens, Intl. and Aromatherapy Consultations
Life Map Astrological Readings for Individuals, Couples and Relocation Guidance
Dakini Love Int'l. Workshops & Classes
Feng Shui Elegance, Int'l. Consultations
ALF Spiritual Development & Psychic Healing
ALF Emotional Development & Empowerment Training
New Millennium Consulting's Array of Life & Personal Coaching
