The Living Strain
Born of water, water living
Dead of water, birthed in death
dying, dying, trying, bleeding
Water, sea, ocean, Mar
Watery death
baptized & blessed...never
Bird in flight
Bird in ocean
Lungs fill with wet murder
Water Hell
flying hero
ascend and fall
Descend, fall and again
die alone
hermit crab
Fill the lungs with cancer
Child, devil, human being, drown
Drink of youth of death
Fetus, Fecies, excrement
Drink me, drink of me
wine of my blood
wince of my death
wish of my pain
Drown in sorrow
Die in obscurity
boil, dissipate, disappear
rain, remain, pour, beat-down
murder, die
"So now you know what else there was in the world besides yourself, till now you've known only about yourself! An innocent child, yes, that you were, truly, but still more truly have you been a devilish human being!-And therefore take note: I sentence you now to death by drowning!"
-Franz Kafka |
In My Wake In my wake I did think I heard your voice
And in my wake I did think I felt your touch
I did dream many a thing such as this
your nimble smile, the soft tressles about your darling shoulders
that subtle inner tremble which bespeaks my loneliness
And in my wake your kiss still lingers
upon my lips, as if felt twice before
or more
I did feel you, as if to say
Your image dwelt in my mind before today
or much more
But softly, you do flee
As others have before you, go
Or stay, and let me dream but one more day
It is only that I find
You've never been
Or never dwelt my heart within
Merely just a whispered whim
good-bye |