Welcome to my Freakshow... it basically consists of any new pictures I have... any old pictures I have... anything freakish... anything me!

I'll start with Haunted Hotel.

Who's this sexy freak? THAT'S WHAT I WANNA KNOW TOO! Hehe, actually it's the one and only ME. Hey baby, wanna touch my chainsaw? Don't worry, it doesn't bite... sting yes... bite no.

THIS BASTARD... I don't even know why I'm giving him publicity by puting his god forsaken picture on here... this is DARREN. Say "HI" every-fuc#@%$in-body! Darren is a funny/bastard. That's not funny bastard, it's funny SLASH bastard.

Look, it's me and the bitch from Exorcist! Um, wait... I should be more politically correct with this... this is the slut from the Exorcist, THERE WE GO! Nah, this is Jacinda and me. I don't know what the hell is wrong with her face, this happens in all her pictures.

Go ahead... Look at my crotch. I was talking like Mickey Mouse all damn night. Ya know, I really do belong in a straight jacket... it's just the crotch strap is the real bitch about it... I mean ever since this picture was taken, I haven't been able to find it... and for some reason I squat when I go #1 now. Go figure!

Since when is the girl bigger than Leatherface? No, he's not a midget... the midgets are coming this year. Besides that... I know these people worked at the Hotel, but I'm not sure who the hell they are...

Here we are again with the Demonic Slut. Hey... that has a nice ring to it. If I ever have a daughter, her name will be Demonic Slut... of course I don't know where I would find a girl that would let me do that... but if I do find one, she's a keeper! Look, my powers are levitating her! OOoOOooOh! Don't ask what I'm supposed to be, I was actually just beaten and raped by 2 raging lezbians in the back alley.

This is probably the scariest MoFo working there... Our boss.. Robert, and here you see Jacinda *the demonic slut* in her scary make-up. The other pictures is how she really looks. Look's like she's trying to lure Robert into that Exorcist bed again... Silly slut, Bob's not gonna give you another raise! Get it? Me is idiot... hehe.

Ok, so this isn't from Haunted Hotel... this is from late April 2001 *this year duh*. I felt like decaying a little... no not DEFECATING a little, DECAYING. Geeze sickos!
