The Haunted Hotel 2000



This is a killer picture of Erik and Yoni underneath a red light in The Haunted Hotel. Yoni is a make-up artist just like me, although he didn't do the flesh wound on Erik's face... that's all me baby.

Here's a pic of me feeling right at home. I didn't want to let go of this damn straight jacket. I loved being strapped in it. Oh, go ahead and look at my crotch, (I don't mind, look at it all you want) the strap felt nice, so many girls grabbed me there just to see if I was real... hell I encouraged it! j/k

Jacinda and Me in the Exorcist room. Jacinda is of course Regan from the Exorcist, and me? I'm um... well we had a freakshow room, and I was the boy that was raised by wolves... OoOoOoOh scary!!! Really now, I looked like I was in a mud wrestling match with Richard Simmons, thus the reason why my shirt is open. And what the hell is up with Jacinda's lips? She makes that stupid face in almost every picture! Looks like she's gonna kiss someone's ass... hehe...

Now for my magic trick... Look how I levitate her body with such ease! I can do this trick to any girl, for a minimal fee of $3.95 a minute... all proceeds go to the Gary Coleman fund for finding an Asian wife.

Where is the modeling agency when I need it?

I AM SO HOT!!! You callin me concided? Look at you! Just sittin there wishing you were me, I bet you have your bag of pork rinds, and a Dr. Pepper right there, piggin out, wondering, "How can I, a lazy fatass be just like him?" YOU CAN'T, HA! Anyways, yeah yeah... I know I don't look very demented in this pic... or evil... or mean at all... DAMNIT... this sucks...

Darren. That's all I need to say. First of all, I think he is an asshole, a son-of-a-bitch, a dirty anal scraping slut, a rotten catheter gargling midget. With all that said... I admire this bastard. Hehe... He's a cool dood, and here he is as our Elevator Operator.

KILL THE BITCH! KILL HER!!! No really, I wish someone would have reall killed this bitch. Nobody liked her... what was her name... Ann Marie... God, if I had her address, I would put it here so everyone could write hate mail to her, AND then people could mail pipebombs to her too! That would be fun! This bitch was allergic to hairspray!!! She broke out in hives one time... I wish that chainsaw had a real chain on it... so he could have carved the turkey right there... but no... chickenshit... Anyways, I don't know who the hell Leatherface is, I know it's not me...

I hope to return to the Whaley House as soon as possible to take more pictures. The next time I go, I'm going to use black and white film, hopefully I'll get more paranormal activity then. So more pictures are coming!