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Got Beef?

We are so happy!!! We got our first hatemail!!!! So here it is, served up for you. Beef, it's whats for dinner!

"hi, I am one of Nsync's biggst fans. Maybe you have your own views on them. But don't make a website & insult them throughout the whole thing. Im sorry but you are cruel, they didn't do anything to you. These may be your own opinions but keep them to yourself. If your like Nsync so much than stop wasting your time insulting them."

Ok so we pasted it exactly as they wrote it. Nice spelling huh? Now comes the pork, the other white meat:

We like NSYNC too!! Why else would we spend all this time coming up with all this original crap!! We are not cruel, we are just honest. Come on how can you not see the humor in them, in our opinion just the name NSYNC is humor. We don't think we are insulting them or wasting our time. There are plenty of people who enjoy our site, and considering the fact that this is our first hatemail after being up for about 4 months now, I would say we are doing pretty good! If we had more then maybe we would not have a site. So thank you for your opinion, we'll keep it in mind while the letters of praise keep rolling in! =) We appreciate you letting us know your opinion, so feel free to e-mail us and give us your beef (pork, ham, whatever). We like to hear everyone's opinion, bad or good! Thanks for finding Hide *N Sync!!!

Peace & Hair Grease,

The Girls of Hide *N Sync

Take me home, I'm a vegetarian!