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Beth and Stephanie's Excellent Adventure Part III

Ok since we've kept you waiting in intense anticipation (yeah right!)we will get right back to where we left off. Where were we agian? J/K Ok once making our way through the forest of teeny-boppers begging people to get their posters signed, we went in. And just look at the results!!! ~

Click here to see some pics from the signing~But be sure you come back because the story is not over yet!!!

And, lucky us, we got to meet 98* (whom we got to talk to at Mowtown Live, another story altogether!!!) Once NSYNC left the building we ran to our cars and drove to the hotel where we met Val & Lauren. We all got out and walked around. We tried to sneak through a back gate by the pool but this scary security guy chased us out. (Ok so what if he wasn't big, or if he wasn't even security but he was still scary!!!) What were we to do?

So we went bak to babysitting the busses that we had left to the mercy of the teenyboppers that found them. After sitting there for a while, (don't worry we amused ourselves by making fun of all the dorks that drove past us. We wanted to make ourselves feel better about waiting for NSYNC of all things.) we noticed a piece of paper taped to the windshield of each bus. Beth & Lauren, being the brave chicas they are, ran across the street and read them. Upon reading them they saw they were parking permits and both stated that the expiration date was for the following Monday. Which meant that the two busses left were not going with them to northern Cali. =( So we had missed them! We saw a limo driver who drove a limo for the hotel they were staying at (which shall remain nameless for reasons stated earlier) and we (Beth) asked him if he knew where NSYNC was. He told us that he personally had driven them to the airport about an hour ago. (Cool!!! He had driven them!! Wow so does that make him famous or something? What did he want a medal? Sorry I'm just a little bitter about the fact that we didn't see them!) So while we were getting chased out the back of the hotel by a small but scary hotel worker, NSYNC was leaving through the front!!

Once agian we struck out! (and we don't mean the good way like in bowling) But it was well worth it. This was just our early stages of stalking. We are now taking lessons on it, and we are soooo much more advanced now!! The boys will be back in April (yeah! next month!!) and we are ready for them! We also have a sneak attack planned in March.

Ooops we mean Chris, Joey and JC (and the rest here on Gilligan's Island, Oh sorry!!) know we are coming but it is much more fun to pretend they don't. We like doing things the hard way! (Get your mind out of the gutter!!!!!)

**Note: JC, Joey & Chris were going to send us the information about the hotel and backstage passes, but they got the papers a little too close to Joey's J E LL O pool, and well I think you can guess what happened. And that is why we had this little adventure in the first place. They apologized. So we had to forgive them! (Oh like you wouldn't!!!!)

A ble..a ble..ab That's All Folks!!! (ok so I don't know how to spell it, but you gotta give me an 'A' for effort!!!!)

I would like to make an appointment with Dr. Timberlake....!!!