Fallout 2 Character Ads.
This section is just a post of the summed up versions of each of the character history
areas. I call it the ads section because it's here to snag you in to read the full story for each of the characters.
Come Visit Sharp's Lair
The most exciting forshortened version of someones life... not really, not that
exciting, but quite funny and worth the read through his history. Sharp was created with the intent of being a "sharp guy"
in other words... a sharp shooter, smooth talker... etc. Somehow I did something wierd and he ended up in the strangest
of ways. Come have a look into his lair!
Come Visit Nick's House of Honeys
Here is the house of Nick La Grande and his honey's! Nick La Grande
was named using a classic "porn-star-name-scheme" which a couple of guys were using
on everyone in class one day way back in 12th grade... The scheme is this: You take your middle name and use that as your
first name, then take the name of the street you live on and make that your last name. Nick La Grande was the name the
scheme came up with for my Environmental Science teacher. hehe...