Earthsiege 2

        Earthsiege 2, founded by my favorite first-person-squad-combat game design company; Dynamix (of sierra games,) was released at just the right time to catch my eye. Later Dymamix came about with Starsiege: Tribes, which has been my favorite of its game genre for the last 3 years.
        This is the game that started it all for me in the world of First Person Squad Combat Mech Shooters, and Starsiege: Tribes which is a game of the same type sans the mech.
        Of course, Earthiege refers to them as Herc's. I don't mind either way or the other but some people get a vengance for anyone calling Herc's Mechs, or Mech's Herc's. A Herc is basically the same thing, though armed with weapons I always found to be much cooler back then... autocannons were not inta-hit, but lasers and particle beams were... the way real light moves. Unfortunately for ES2, when Starsiege came out, this was no longer the case, and Starsiege had adopted many of the things about Mechwarrior 2 that I didn't like (though I also dually enjoyed the hell outta Mechwarrior 2) and made the game balance out in a way I didn't much enjoy any more. :-/ Enough about that! This is about Earthsiege 2!
        On with the pages! ! !
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