Tribes Renegades

          My mod of choice, I started playing Renegades back when Ren Classic was the standard (the one with 4 lasers instead of 6 or 8 like ren 4 and elite ren have) for Renegades players.
          Orriginally I tried out for the clan formerly known as BTI (Best There Is) and won 2 of 3 duels against a now good friend of mine in the tribes world, JiNmEn[Worm] who at the time was better known as SilverWeed. Silv/Jin introduced me to the whole world of dueling and turret deployment, and before the big scripts and deployment helping packs came out, I set D or ran Spawn offense runs at the BTI practices as a "little bti" (one of the accepted but not yet trained to be on the OGL team) which was fine with me because it was only my 3rd week playing tribes, and apparently, at the time, I kicked a lot of ass. After helping out at practices and watching other BTI methods for Defense and Spawn Offense, BTI had a small leader problem which broke them up, sadly. So, then Jin took all the players he got along well with and invited the ones he could find online to TTC (The Terminal Clan) clan and server. I was one of those, and thus marks my entry to the Terminal Clan. It was a bit of a change from BTI, but I got along great with all the new players I met in TTC and soon we all were having fun dueling and turret testing. A few weeks later, the packs and scripts enabling players to do things in a blink of an eye came out to the masses, and I lost my defense job because I wasn't willing to download a pack script. No worries though... I could still play spawn offense, and still do mostly, today.
          Through the years there has been much heated tribes Renegades feuds and gatherings in good fun, and I have had a blast. I have considered quitting many times, and even did for a very short month... but I always come back... it's just so damn addicting... in a good way. heh. Maybe I'll get on with life some day... maybe not.
          Related links:
Ren Werx
Tribal War
Tribes Universe
Planet Tribes
Planet Starsiege
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