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"Dreamin' of you, dreaming every day, and every night of my life...."

Have you had any dreams of 98°? If so, tell us about them!

Dream #1-

I had a really weird dream where me and a couple of my friends were interviewing them and I got to interview Nick (darn, i wanted Drew!!).Well, one of my questions was "what kind of make-up do you wear?" at this point, everyone was in this bedroom and me and Nick were on the floor between the bed and the wall (?!) . When I asked him my question, he wiped some lip-gloss from his lips and he put it on mine. Then he took these two glittery stars from the corners of his eyes and he put them on my eyes. After we were all finished interviewing them, Drew and I went into this bathroom but then it turned into a bedroom and everyone was looking for us. Then my alarm clock went off... I don't know, I thought it was pretty weird!

Dream #2-

Hey- this is cara and heres my dream of 98 degrees my two bff's play soccer, so we were at this huge soccer arena with a huge pool on stilts right above the feild (?!?) and since i still had 15 mins before their game began, i got on the escalatot leading to the pool. turns out u had to answer all these hard ?'s like u see on Who wants to be a millionare?? and i answered them all right, bubt i didnt get a million bucks =( but thats ok, cuz when i jumped in the pool, guess who i almost landed on? u guessed it- Drew of 98* well, he picked me up and dunked me , but then the sweetheart that he is, Justin saved me cuz i hate getting dunked. anywayz, after we got introduced and i miraculously was floating in the water in the spot where drew had his arms open( cantcha tell i think drews the best ) hmmm howd thatr happen? then ya know how in Wild Wild West will smith and his chick fall outta the water tub? well that what happened to the pool, but we didnt get hurt, and the feild was dry(?!?) and we were all sitting on the bleachers as my friends played soccer, and i was talkin and getting chummy with all the guys( specially drew ) and the ref suddenly yelled" Grilled Cheese!" and the dirt path around the feild became a hot skillet that was already hot..and we had huge peices of cheese and bread, with bathtubs of butter(?!?) after we were done eating, the game continued and suprise suprise, USA( my bff's team ) won! ( they were playing Brazil[?!] ) and when i was going up to congratulate my bff's( they got sweaters for trophies!?) a bucket of slime was dumped on my head by drew ( shocker) and i got it all over my bff. But then JC from N*Sync ( dunno??) handed me a towel ! on our way out, i saw JC and punched on the arm and said grrrr. JC: What? I didnt do anything! Me: Oops! no im sorry i luv u! ( turning to drew ) : grrrrr ! ur the one im ma-( drew then cuts me off with a kiss **aaaaaaaaaaahhhh perfect** ) then drew drapes an arm over my shoulder and says. marry me? of course i say yes, and we flew out to hawaii to get married. i then became one of their dancers and repleaced their old choreographer- now theyre being called the best dancers ever! =o)!! then, just as drew was leaning in to kiss me after a show, my alarm went off! waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! theres my dream, sorry if it was so long but i put A LOT of detail into everything i do!

E-mail Daly at sodachick_182

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