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Can We Make Fun of You Here? 98° Humor

We're sad to say that the time has come to end "Can we make fun you here?" Yes being the first all out 98° humor site, we have loads of fun and have encountered many bitchy teenyboppers along with many totally cool people. However, our infatuation with 98° has died out (this occured with help from Jessica Simpson). Thanks for all of your support and maybe we'll come back during the summer but for now.....98° can be mocked without us!!

Hey! We got AOL! If you're on and want to chat with us, IM us @
Daly- SodaChick7
Justine- Bballgrl50

Want to drop us a line? E-mail us! Adios!

A new Section....The Stupidest Hatemail you'll ever see

What's New

98°- From Cool Band To Boyband

Meet The Boys


Hate Mail

The Stupidest Hatemail You'll Ever See


Close Encounters of the Third Kind

"Can I Touch You There" Controversy


Vent Section

Tips, Tricks, and Contributions

This Gift..



Please sign the guestbook! Thanks!

This site was created on July 10, 1999

Ended- February 20, 2000

This 1st unofficial 98 Degrees Webring site owned by Daly and Justine.
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