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Drew's Bio

Name- Andrew John Lachey

Nickname- Sprout Gee I wonder why..

Birthday- 8/8/1976

Height- 5' 6 Dammit grow already!

Weight- 148

Hair- Brown, some blond highlights

Eyes- Hazel


Foods- Pizza, donuts, any and all junk food How does he look like he does if he eats all that?

Drink- Orange Juice Doesn't any one them drink beer?

Song- "Purple Rain" by Prince Had to include cause both us hate Prince, or, excuse us, The Artist. Sorry Drew.

Color- Navy Blue

Team- Kansas City Cheifs Isn't he from Ohio?

Movie- Braveheart

Comments- What a sweetie, look at him, all cute in his hat.

We like Drew 'cause

We don't like Drew 'cause

Overall, we like Drew, most of the time.

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