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Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Have you ever had a strage meeting with 98°? Tell us about it! (not average teenyboppers meetings we want uniqueness!)

Yay! Our first encounter!

#1- Jamie, Defender Against Teenyboppers
I met em it wasn't that weird tho.. but I've never met anyone even half way big cause I live in like a secluded area. Well first we went to the town their concert was on halloween. We went to the mall and were going around for awhile not that many people were there. We went to vanity and the workers said Justin and Drew were in Spencers so we went. Well here were the guys in this store that was all about sex pretty much. It was funny. Well I went and talked to Justin for awhile and didn't wanna bug Drew on the phone so they said they hada leave and asked if we were goin to the concert we said yeah. Later we saw them walking in the mall and Justin looked at us like he was asking us for help then we noticed these little girls were really following them around so we went and talked to justin again and he asked if we could get these girls to stop following us. We went and told them to get a life and find some other guy to stalk or be their wannabe boyfriend... then we said go talk to them quick and leave or stop bugging them.. well thats my story.. aint that great but it happened... Jaime...15

E-mail Daly at sodachick_182

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