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Jeff's Bio

Name - Jeffrey Brandon Timmons Ok, just had to add something. All the Jeffs I know are dorks, I know two Brandons and they are both goons, hope it's not just the name (D).

Nickname - Sugar (cause he's so sweet)

Birthday - 4/30/1973

Height - 5' 9 Yes(D).

Weight - 160

Hair - Brown

Eyes - Blue

Favs -

Color - Orange and Blue No Sleep Till Orange Sorry inside joke

Movie - Shawshank Redemption

Team - Dallas Cowboys AAHHH, mortal sin, see we're from S.F and this is just not done. What's next Green Bay? GO NINERS!!

Food - Seafood and Steak

Comments - Look at the boy he is hella fine, the favorite of our site he usually isn't made fun of, unlike Justin. We like his bod, face, and those gorgeous eyes. Guess what ladies he is single, WOOHHOOO!

Some advice from us - Watch what you say in interviews (I wanted to be a singer so the next day I dropped out of school)/ (I want her to have my children), at least think it through. (D)-Leave Nick the leads and shutup during the ends of songs.

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