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98° Life in the Movies

Yes, we know these are stupid but we decided to do something different. So here it goes...

Here are some movie titles we thought fit 98° perfectly

American High - The story of Nick Lachey's Hair
Runaway Bride - Ali Landry, the slut
Star Wars: the Phantom Midget - Grow Damn it Drew Grow
Gone with the Wind - The story of Justin's Original Hair Color
Ugly Women - Jesica Simpson
As Boyband as it Gets - Yes, we admit it 98° is a Boyband
The Land Before Teenyboppers - Life before "Because of You.
Eyes Tightly Shut- Teenybopper fans not facing the facts
101 Degrees - Ali, the 5th degree.
Little Women - 98° fans
Babe: Pig in the City- Jeff Timmons goes to L.A.
Lady and the Tramp- The Nick and Jessica story
Pinocchio - Does Drew lie that much?
Jeff Gump - Life is like a box a chocolates, you never know whatch gonna get..."I left college, look at me now"

Have any ideas? E-mail us.

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