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Justine's Review of Making the Video

I really like MTV's show Making The Video. I hope all of you saw the one with 98° and their video "I DO(Cherish You)". I thought it was really cool how we got to see most of the details of making a video, it's not as easy as we all think. Anyway, I think that Ali girl, is a lucky Bitch.

Drew is very cool, he was happy just to drive, Go Drew.

Justin had a bathtub scene which I think he handled very well.

Jeff did good considering he was on top of her, but he immediately got up when they called "Cut".

But Nick was a different story, before I begin let me apologize to all you Nick fans who enjoy voicig your opinions quite alot. Hey, I like Nick too, but let's face the facts he enjoyed his scene with Ali a bit too much. "I think my favorite part of shooting was my last five minutes with Ali", yes those would be the 5 minutes you were on top of her. "If I ever complain about my job remind me of this minute", good God man, are you that despressed and deprived of women, I doubt it, you have gorgeous girls drooling infront of your posters, you can get almost any girl you want, so don't act so pathetic.

Overall, I think the video is absolutely wonderful and the whole idea of the 4 guys choosing the same girl who goes for a geek is a funny and cool. Way da Go Guys. E-Mail Justine Back Home