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Nick's Bio

Name - Nick Scott Lachey

Birthday - 11/9/73

Nickname - Hollywood, Slider WTF?

Height - 5' 10

Weight - 180

Hair - Brown It can sometimes be a bit too high, it once went for a record of 12 inches

Eyes - Blue


Actor - Bruce Willis

Actress - Michelle Pfeiffer

Movie - Die Hard It's ok, right Al?

Team - Cincinnati Bengals/Reds

Drink - Yoo Hoo WTF?

Color - Red

Foods - Skyline Chili, Steak, Pizza, BBQ

Damn, this boy is Hot. His hair can sometimes get a bit too high but wutcha gonna do. Nick has an absolutely wonderful voice, see that's why he sings the lead in almost all their songs. In the video The Hardest Thing I can't help but notic that Nick is wearing more lipstick than me, I suppose it's best not to ask.

J - The thing that pissed me off was in making the video of I Do (Cherish You) when Nick was all over Ali. He said "My favorite part of shooting was my last 5 minutes with Ali". I think Nick was enjoying the loves scenes a bit too much. I have 1 question, where in the hell was Nick on TRL? Well those are my thought of Nick, overall I think he is very talented and HOT.

D -I agrees w/ Justine, to an extent...what is up with the lipstick? However, I forgive him because he is the only one who has a couple inches on me and hot damn! in "I do" on the rug...the hair was calmed, the chest was shiny..ahhhhh

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