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Review of The Teen Choice Awards

All the guys look great. Drew and Justin have the same outfit and Nick and Jeff do too. Damn, Nick looked good. We were pissed with Ali, what is she now the 5th degree. She is just P.O cause she is known as the Dorito Chic, well face it you're the DORITO GIRL, and nothing you can do can change that. You know, most videos have a pretty girl in it, but after the filming you never hear of her again, but this bitch Ali is not getting out of our faces, you're 15 minutes of fame are over.

After losing to TLC and Aerosmith they finally won. The presentor of their award was a girl from the Make A Wish Foundation.I have to give some of the guys credit cause it was kinda a hard position.

The girl first hugged Nick, who immediately pushed her away to go to the middle and be in the spotlight. You suck Nick.

Drew was in his own world, just holding the surf board.

Justin went and hugged her for the whole time, that was so so so nice. I give him credit for doing that, I really admire him now.

Jeff was just chilling there, and finally he hugged the girl, but it was so obvious he didn't want to.

So the moral is looks don't always matter cause all the hot guys acted like jerks and ignored the girl.

We give it **, but Justin gets *****.

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