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Daly's Hatemail Frustration

OK.....listen up everyone...I am getting pretty frustrated with this. The whole "hatemail" bit. If you don't like our site, fine, and if you are so inclined, you can even e-mail us and tell us your feelings. Do we want you to sign the guestbook with your little "rant"? No. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the first amendment, thats why we leave your little "comments" up there. But tell us, not the rest of the people who view the site. We're the only ones who can change it or do anything about it. Hey, if you don't like the site, just exit it and don't come back, alright? Also, this is a HUMOR site. I can't stress that enough, ok? Yes, we're mean to Justin but who else would make fun of Nick? We don't hate him, we don't hate any of them, we're fans, and if you can't accept that, then leave.

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