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Vincent's Lost Love Letters to Catherine

From the 1st Episode "Once Upon a Time in New York"
Catherine Chandler a young socialite played by actress LINDA HAMILTON is attacked and left for dead in Central Park. She is found by a gentle, intelligent Man/Beast by the name of Vincent played by the actor RON PERLMAN, who takes her to his home in the underground tunnels of New York City. Vincent's father, Doctor Jacob Wells played by the actor ROY DOTRICE, stitches up Catherine's face and bandages all but her mouth. Vincent cares for her as she heals and an empathic bond grows between the pair. She listens to his beautiful voice and feels his gentle manner and she comes to trust him. Once she removes the bandages she is shocked to see what has been done to her by her attackers. Vincent enters the chamber and Catherine sees his reflection and is frightened by his appearance. Catherine goes back to the world above, has plastic surgery, learns to defend herself and gets a job with the D.A's office determined to changed her life and help as many people as she can. Vincent, unable to forget her must see her again. Climbing the building to her Manhatten high rise, Vincent leaves a book on her balcony. She hears the noise and goes out to investigate. Finding Vincent she is over joyed and falls into his embrace. He notices her face has been repaired and she is more beautiful than ever. Vincent is part of her, one with her and he loves her deeply. Read about it in Vincent's Lost Love Letters to Catherine.
Once Upon a Time in New York

From the 2nd Episode "Terrible Savior"
There is a subway slasher killing punk teenagers who rob and beat the people who travel the subways late at night. From eye witness discriptions it sounds like Vincent is the perpetrator. Catherine now fears the man/Beast she has come to love but must find out for sure if he is involved. One night she dreams that Vincent has come to her balcony to visit her only to find him violent and looking for blood. Vincent knows what she is thinking and dreaming and is deeply hurt by her lack of trust. How will he express himself in words and yet still allow his love to shine through? Read it here in Vincnet's Lost Love Letters to Catherine.
Terrible Savior

From the 3rd Episode "seige"
Someone is hurting the elderly and trying to run them out of their apartment building in order to buy up the property. Vincent puts out a fire in the basement of the building and promises an elderly man that he will speak with someone who can help to stop this injustice. At the same time Catherine meets and is falling in love with one Elliot Burch played by actor EDWARD ALBERT. After a wonderful evening Elliot kisses Catherine and Vincent feels her happiness at being with this young man. He is saddened and feels he should not stand in her way of the happiness she deserves. Read what our leonine hero will say in Vincent's Lost Love Letters to Catherine.

From the 4th Episode "No Way Down"
Catherine must interview a witness in New Yorks lower east side, a rough and dangerous part of the city. Vincent lets her know he will be close if she needs him. While talking to the witness another gang of thugs called the Silks, opens fire on the bar and its occupants. Vincent goes in to save Catherine but she askes that he help her injured witness to get out. Catherine heads outside to safety but is followed by one of the witnesses' men who accuses her of betraying them. He punches her in the face and knocks her out cold. At the same time the Silks toss a bomb into the bar. The explosion can be heard for miles. Catherine awakes to see police taking bodies out of the bar. Vincent is not among them. Going to Father, Catherine tells him what has happened and askes for help in finding him. Vincent is badly hurt, his vision and hearing has been impaired. The silks are torturing him and he must try to get free and find his way home. Catherine does everything in her power to find him. When she does, he is thankful and tells her so in the letter he writes to her. You got it...You can read it here.
No Way Down

From the 5th Episode "Masques"
It's Halloween "Samhain" The night when the walls between the worlds grow thin and spirits of the underworld walk the earth. The one and only night of the year Vincent can walk among the people in the world above and not be out of place. Tonight Bridit O'Donnell, an irish writer and peace activist played by CAITLIN O'HEANEY will be at the costume party. Vincent, feeling safe on this night goes to the party to see her to tell her she has touched him and helped him through dark times with her writing. By the end of the ball a militant Protestant has taken both Brigit and Catherine hostage in order to find Brigits father to kill him as a revenge for the murder of his brother. When the trouble is over Catherine tells Vincent they should spend time together above because it is a magical night. Vincent writes to Catherine to tell her how he feels.

From the 6th Episode "The Beast Within"
Mitch Denton is back in town causing trouble on the New York Waterfront. Vincent tells Catherine he grew up with Denton in the tunnels and knows what Mitch is capable of doing. Against his wishes, Catherine continues to investigate and is kidnapped by Denton and his men. While she trys to escape, Vincent is witness to Catherine being shot in the back by Denton himself. He can feel the life draining from her body as he rushes her to the hospital.
"Don't die Catherine. If you die, so do I"
Leaving her at the foot of the hospital stairs, Vincent goes in search of Mitch. As he is about to strike Mitch, Vincent can "feel" Catherine and knows she is alive. How does all of this affect Vincent? Read about those feelings in Vincent's Lost Love Letters to Catherine.
The Beast Within

From the 7th Episode "Nor Iron Bars a Cage"
Catherine has been offered a new job, a better job where she can help more people and really make a difference. The problem is she must leave New York and Vincent to pursue it. She askes for Vincnets help in her decision but he tells her she must see, she must do, everything she was meant to do and then he can truly be with her. Vincent is, to say the least devastated at the thought of loosing Catherine. He finds himself walking above in the park at night but not listening to the night sounds as he always does. A scientist is out doing research and dicoveres Vincent. Employing the help of a student scientist the pair set out to capture the creature for study and exploitation. Father sends a message to Catherine telling her that Vincent is missing. This changes Catherines mind about leaving New York and sets out to find Vincent. Finding tranquilizer darts, Catherine traces them back to the institute thus locating Vincent. Back at home in the tunnels Catherine reads to Vincent. The poem is SURPRISED BY JOY: by WiILLIAM WORDSWORTH. You can read this poem on my poetry page.
Nor Iron Bars a Cage

From the 8th Episode "Song Of Orpheus"
Father has gone above to meet with an old love but is jailed on murder charges. Vincent must employ Catherine's help to find him. Father and Margaret have seven days together before her passing. This secret Father kept about the woman he loved urges Vincent to tell Catherine about a secret he himself has kept for most of his life. Read about it in Vincent's Lost Love Letter to Catherine.
Song of Orpheus

From the 9th Episode "Dark Spirit"

Dark Spirit

From the 10th Episode "A Childrens Story"

A Childrens Story

From the 11th Episode "An Impossible Silence"

An Impossible Silence

From the 12th Episode "Shades of Grey"

Shades of Grey

From the 13th Episode "China Moon"

China Moon

From the 14th Episode "The Alchemist"

The Alchemist

From the 15th Episode "Temptation"


From the 16th Episode "Promises of Someday"

Promises of Someday

From the 17th Episode "Down to a Sunless Sea"

Down to a Sunless Sea

From the 18th Episode "Fever"


From the 19th Episode "Everything is Everything"

Everything is Everything

From the 20th Episode "To Reign in Hell"

To Reign in Hell

From the 21st Episode "Ozymandias"


From the 22nd Episode "A Happy Life"

A Happy Life

Want to buy the Video's? Check out my Links page My Favorite Links and order them from HMV. Beside title type in Once Upon a Time, then click on the title Once upon a time/Happy Life, then the title Beauty and the Beast, for a full listing. They have all of first season.

Wal-Mart now has all three seasons!

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