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Carole is the oldest of Gerry and Gayle's five outstanding children, born 3/29/1960 and currently residing in the Bay Area (that's California for anyone that's never heard of earthquakes!). In fact, she's approaching the 10 year anniversary of having moved there in late September of this year. Has it really been that long?

Carole graduated from Mesa High School in Mesa, AZ in 1976 and has been experiencing "wanderlust" ever since; lived in Arizona, New Mexico and So. Carolina (brief Army stint), finally getting a college degree just before two trips to Europe - first to Italy then to France for an artist's workshop -oui! Just to kill the boredom, she also tried a tandem skydive a few summers ago; nothing wrong with the plane just lots of open space over farm country to float through. Highly recommended!

Upon settling in California, the artwork has taken on a life of its own - making its way into business offices, a few shows, county fairs (nearly best of show last year!) and a gallery. This website will soon offer photos of prints and original artwork for sale. Unfortunately, artists still starve (though they don't cut off ears anymore) so Carole has been toiling away in the insurance industry since 1986 - anyone need advice on work comp?

California has made its impact on both her art and personal life in more ways than most would expect; she's now a new single mother-by-choice. Life is bound to become an even bigger adventure with Michaela in the check in on the "updates" now and then!


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