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BHS's Old Guestbook
Black Hole Sun's Old Guestbook

Total: 12 guests
Name: Paul Flint
Website: Paul's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Boston, MA, USA
Time: 1997-03-25 22:52:00
Comments: Looking good man!!!! Keep HTMLin'...... My volleyball skills will return in time for the grand battle (whatever that means) :PP laterz.. Paul

Name: Richard Nguyen
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: "Inside the Ouside, by the River Used, to be so Calm..."
Time: 1997-03-19 11:54:00
Comments: Hey Grant! Nice music! Who's that Robbin girl? She sounds hot as nuts!!!

Name: Robert J. Boudreau
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Boston
Time: 1997-03-17 11:26:00
Comments: Hey Grant, shouldn't you be doing homework?

Name: negeen
Website: house of kabob
Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
From: straight outta compton
Time: 1997-03-03 21:30:00
Comments: hey dude, i'm making the rounds, seeing what's up with all yer pages. "private message"... you wish! life's good and i hope yours is too. lame sentiments aside, take it easy and don't work too hard. btw, i tried to listen to your song deal but it didn't work out. doh.

Name: Paul Seo
Website: Hey!! It's Paul's Homepage!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: here
Time: 1997-02-19 17:08:00
Comments: Didn't I already do this once? Oh well, here we go!!!

Name: Jeremy Warren
Website: Jeremy's Home Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Gaithersburg, MD
Time: 1997-02-16 10:22:00
Comments: Sweet page Grant, This is teh first time I'd seen it fully functional. Especially liked the music stuff. Nice Job!

Name: Pamela Davies
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: you know where i'm from
Time: 1997-02-07 09:42:00
Comments: this is pretty cool... did you compose the music at the beginning? i miss you kiddo... talk to you soon!-pamela

Name: Robbin
Website: Bella Baby
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Camp Verde, Arizona
Time: 1997-02-05 19:24:00
Comments: Great colors! And I loved the music! How can I put music on my homepage? And I signed up for a guest book, but dont know how to get it on my page? Can you or someone help a girl in distress? Thanks!!! *big warm smile* Bella

Name: Simon Oh
Website: Simon's Virtual Home
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Inside, outside, upside-down.
Time: 1997-02-05 07:06:00
Comments: Hey Grant, I hate your music. . . . . No, wait, that's not fair, I'm actually insanely jealous of it. Sorry. Okay, that's all. See you later.

Name: Michael Yu
Website: Like I said, notta
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: My Mommy and Daddy uh...Hey, wait a minute...hehe why's that matter?
Time: 1997-02-04 03:10:00
Comments: Ok, I signed this already before but you deleted it by accident... and was too lazy to redo it again, but then I saw that only two people had signed it so I felt sorry for since you're a pal...hehe.

Name: Lisa G.
Website: Lisa's World
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Arkansas
Time: 1997-01-29 17:58:00
Comments: I really like this page!!! Nice music :)

Name: Simon Oh
Website: Simon's Home Page (pretty original, huh?)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Planet Earth
Time: 1997-01-21 07:29:00
Comments: Hey Grant. Nice homepage. See you later.

Total: 12 guests

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